More than 120 scientists met for the CMWS DAYS 2023

Participants of the CMWS Water Days 2023. (Credit: M. Mayer, DESY)

More than 120 participants from 20 countries met at DESY from 21-24 February for the CMWS DAYS 2023 to discuss the key challenges in molecular water research and the status and future of the Centre for Molecular Water Science (CMWS).

Water is the most important liquid for our life and plays an important role in biology, chemistry, physics, and geoscience with high relevance for many societal challenges such as climate, sustainability, energy, environment, and health. Despite its central role and numerous research
efforts worldwide, we are still lacking a comprehensive molecular picture of the hydrogen bonding network believed to be responsible for the wealth of effects in water. The CMWS initiative brings together key experts to approach the understanding of the fundamental questions about molecular processes in water and at water interfaces systematically. By now 55 partners from different institutes around Europe and beyond have already expressed officially their interest to participate in and support the CMWS initiative.

During the meeting the status and the future perspectives of CMWS were presented. This includes recently launched joint research projects between DESY and CMWS partners and Science highlights within CMWS. In a dedicated session the outcome and lessons learned from the topical calls on water research of European XFEL and PETRA III. A continuation of updated topical calls, possibly even a joint call, would be supported by the scientific network. A number of workshops and meetings covered further specific topics: The conditions for applying for a European MSCA Doctoral Network, the continuation of a network proposal on functionalized membranes (FUNKMEM), an assembly of young CMWS researchers and CMWS research pillar meetings.

In the framework of the "CMWS Science Program" collaborations between CMWS network partners have been established. In 2023 the projects have started, adding 10 new projects to the already running 19 projects from the first and second round. During the meeting young researchers had the opportunity to report the status of their research projects within the program.

Further Information:
CMWS Webpage