Schematical layout of the waveguide based nanodiffraction setup at Nanofocus endstation.
First nanodiffraction experiments were commenced in March and April 2011 by Christina Krywka and Martin Müller using a waveguide beam. Spatially resolved diffraction (WAXS) data were recorded from a cross-section of a tungsten tool with a nanocrystalline TiN coating (collaboration with Jozef Keckes, University of Leoben, Austria) and from metallic coated ZnO-microrods (collaboration with Stjepan Hrkac, University of Kiel). The beam out of the two-dimensionally confining waveguide had a vertical cross-section of about 500 nm at the sample position. The waveguide (crossection 50 nm by 50 µm) was provided by the group of Prof. Tim Salditt (University of Göttingen).
Krywka et al. "A two-dimensional waveguide beam for X-ray nanodiffraction" J. Appl. Cryst. 45, 85-92, (2012)