Before Your Visit

In order to save time and to allow efficient use of your beamtime we recommend to start the administrative preparation of your experiment in time and address the following points before you come to P11:

  1. Beamtime Application via DOOR
    • For Rolling proposals, LTPs and BAGs: Please login to DOOR as general user and select 'Submission of experiment specification for rolling proposals at PETRA III' (rolling proposal), 'Follow-up applications for beamtime for a PETRA III long-term project' (LTP) or 'Submission of experiment specifications for BAG proposals at PETRA III' (BAG). Click on 'Submit' and fill in the form.
    • For priority access users (University of Lübeck, Helmholtz, Industry): Please login to DOOR as general user and select 'Submission of experiment specifications for additional proposal types at PETRA III/FLASH' in order to apply for beamtime.
      In case of problems, please contact the Photon Science User office as in login-page of Door.
  2. Declaration of substances via DOOR
    • At latest 4 weeks in advance of your beamtime, register the substances used in your experiment.
    • If you are unsure of the exact number of protein crystallography samples 4 weeks in advance, please declare an estimate of highest number possible.
    • The actual samples need to be declared e.g. ‘insulin’ or ‘frozen protein crystals’.
    • It is not necessary to list all the harmless components of the mother liquor in case of frozen protein crystals.
    • For harmful compounds, the total amount present in the samples, as well as the ‘Arbeitsplatzgrenzwert’, the threshold for chemical substances at the working place, must be provided as part of the Safety Concept. You can find a template here.
    • For room temperature data collections, all substances brought to the hutch, their volumes and concentrations must be declared.
    • If any harmful substances are used, the method used for experiment and the hazard with the substances must be declared in a Safety Concept.
    • For any alternative setup to cryo-crystallography, the setup has to be described within the Safety Concept.

  3. Registration of participants
    Please register all participants of the experiment in order to allow them to access the data collected during the beamtime.

    You can also request Remote Access when registering the participants. Please follow the link for more information on how to request the Remote Access.

  4. DOOR Online Safety Training
    Required modules:
    • 'Basic instructions’ and ‘PETRA III’ for beamline operation
    • 'Liquid nitrogen' for handling flash-frozen samples
    • 'Chemistry Lab' for P11 user laboratory 
    !!! Do not forget to send your signed safety certificate to the Photon Science User Office (preferably by e-mail to !!!

  5. Bring your badge (DACHS card)
    New P11 users can get their badges at the following points:
    • Weekdays during office hours (Mon-Thu 8:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00, Fri 8:00-12:00 and 13:00-14:00: Building 6, room 110
    • Weekend & outside office hours: Gatekeepers' office at DESY main entrance (Notkestrasse 85)

For further information, for example, in using DOOR or requesting accommodation at the DESY guesthouse, please have a look at the DESY Photon Science Users' Area or contact DESY Photon Science User Office.