Dewar Shipping

Please refer to the pdf-document for details of dewar shipments

Your dewar will routinely be refilled with liquid nitrogen when it arrives to DESY, we keep it filled before and after experiments and empty the dewar of excess liquid prior to return shipment. Please send all communication regarding the shipments to address '' and make sure to label both the dewar and the shipping case.

***Please note that we only accept Uni-pucks.***

Shipping address:

PETRA III, Beamline P11
Max von Laue Hall, main entrance, Building 47c
c/o Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg

More details you will find in the PDF document below.

Contact concerning on-going shipments by phone +49 (0)40 8998 4240 or by e-mail to Phone number is to our Sample Shipment Responsible in the Photon Science User Office. The e-mail reaches also the beamline scientists.

P11 Dewar shipment guide