Dr. André L. C Conceição received the Gold Award at the SAS2024 conference for his outstanding poster presentation entitled "Quantifying Myelin in Multiple Sclerosis by SAXS-CT". (Photo: Sylvio Haas, DESY)
At the XIX International Small Angle Scattering Conference (SAS2024), DESY scientist André Conceição was honoured with the Gold Award for his outstanding poster presentation entitled "Quantifying Myelin in Multiple Sclerosis by SAXS-CT". The SAS2024 conference took place from 3 to 8 November 2024 in Taipei (Taiwan) and is one of the most important gatherings in the field. It is held every three years and highlights the latest advances by scientists from around the world.
The research presented is the result of a collaboration between DESY, the Stanford University School of Medicine and the Medical University of Graz. The study harnesses the power of Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Computed Tomography (SAXS-CT) to better understand and quantify myelin in multiple sclerosis patients, potentially paving the way for significant advances in diagnostic and treatment strategies.
The experiment was carried out at the PETRA III beamline SAXSMAT P62 at DESY using the SAXS Tensor Tomography setup. A manuscript on these results is in preparation.