Vincent Wanie was honoured with the ‘Photonics Early Career Award 2024’

DESY scientist Vincent Wanie (Credit: DESY)

Vincent Wanie, scientist at DESY Photon Science, was awarded the ‘JPhys Photonics Early Career Award 2024’. Every year, the Journal of Physics: Photonics (JPhys Photonics) brings together the best early-career researchers in photonics and publish their exceptional work in an annual collection dedicated to 'Emerging leaders'. According to the publisher, these are top researchers in their field who completed their PhD in 2014 or later.

After being invited by the Editorial Board of the journal to contribute to the 'Emerging Leaders 2024' collection, an evaluation panel recommended Vincent Wanie’s papers and results for being "truly a game-changer in the field of ultrafast ultraviolet spectroscopy, with major repercussions". They emphasized that he demonstrated both leadership in the publication of the article and strong performance in terms of metrics.

The paper titled ‘Ultraviolet supercontinuum generation using a differentially-pumped integrated glass chip’ reports the performances of a novel technology for the production of ultraviolet (UV) pulses with one of the largest bandwidth to date, offering unprecedented time resolution for the real-time study of ultrafast dynamics in matter.

Britta Redlich, DESY's Director for Photon Science, congratulates Vincent Wanie on receiving the 'Photonics Early Career Award 2024': “This award shows the importance of Vincent Wanie’s achievements in the generation and application of few-femtosecond ultraviolet light pulses. This is an exciting development and I am looking forward to see how Vincent's work will open up new avenues in ultrafast science."

Selected publication in the special issue: Emerging leaders 2024
V. Wanie et al., J. Phys. Photonics (2024), DOI: 10.1088/2515-7647/ad2bd3