(left) CXDI experiment, the sum of accumulated diffraction patterns measured at fundamental 8 nm wavelength. (right) Reconstruction from the CXDI data.
Coherent X-ray diffractive imaging experiment led by the groups of I. Vartaniants (DESY) and A. Rosenhahn (University of Heidelberg) and published last year (A P Mancuso, et al. "Coherent imaging of biological samples with femtosecond pulses at the free-electron laser FLASH", New J. Phys. 12, 035003 (2010)) was chosen for the 'Best of 2010' papers of the online journal New Journal of Physics. The journal features pure, applied, experimental, and theoretical physics as well as corresponding interdisciplinary topics.
The 'Best of 2010' is a special collection of excellent papers published in the New Journal of Physics last year. The articles were selected for their presentation of outstanding new research, were highly recommended by the international referees and had the highest number of downloads last year. In 2010 about 780 papers were published and among them 64 papers were selected for the 'Best of 2010'.
The authors used coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (CXDI), a non-destructive technique, to compare images of a biological sample reconstructed using different, single, femtosecond pulses of the free-electron laser FLASH at DESY.
(from New J. Phys. and authors)