Benchtop X-ray powder diffraction

Application procedure

A benchtop XRD (600 W) with strip detector is available for users and in-house scientists at the P61B beamline. Here are a few rules to follow when deciding to apply for measurement time using this instrument.

Please contact the beamline manager (Dr. Robert Farla) at least 1 week in advance before planned use. Be thorough with your request to use the XRD.

  • Why and when do you need access?
  • What substance(s) will you measure?
  • How many samples will you measure?
  • How many days do you need? (e.g. consider for each sample 2-3 hrs of acquisition time)

Keep in mind that the XRD is primarily for beamline users and staff at P61B. Therefore, access may be offered on different dates than initially requested. You must come prepared. Bring all your sample powders at once for back-to-back measurements.

For safety and security reasons, completely independent use of the XRD is not permitted, nor measurements below 10°. The benchtop XRD needs 30 min to warm up and 30 min to cool down before and after use.

XRD specifications

The features of the benchtop XRD are described here (pdf) in detail.

New! We now offer sample holders with various depths 1 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.2 mm in order to reduce amount of powder needed for a full measurement. These were 3D printed at DESY. Since the beam width is 8 mm, the powder covers an area with ~10 mm diameter to ensure all diffracted X-rays are from the sample.


*You MUST have done the online safety training for the following modules before you get access:

  • MECHANICALS (Workshop)