Unified Data Sheet P61

Beamline characteristics

Techniques available
X-ray diffraction and radiography
Photon source
10 wigglers
Minimum magnetic gap
Period length
Device length
Number of periods
Peak field B0(T)
Deflection parameter
Max. power
On-axis power density
Power in 1x1 mm2 at 40 m
200 mm
10 x 4
10 x 19
10 x 21 kW
10 x 44 kW/mrad2
121 W
Beam size after high-power slits at 85.5 m
Expected: 1 x 1 mm2
Max. source flux
1012 ph/s/0.1% b.w. (at 50 keV, 100mA, aperture 1 x 1 mm2 at 133 m from source)
Usable energy range 
30 - 200 keV
Minimum: 300 micron CVD-diamond + 50 micron Cu
Maximum: 900 micron CVD-diamond + 150 micron Cu
Spot size ON SAMPLE 
max. 2.2 x 1.7 mm2 (at the LVP instrument)