EH1 is a 12m long hutch situated 67-79m from the source. Figure 1 shows the experimental setups installed and foreseen in EH1. After some optical components (explained in more detail below), three different sample environments follow: First, a specialized setup for soft matter CDI/XPCS experiments with a sample-to-detector distance of ~ 21.3 m and relatively large beam sizes is installed. The accessible Q-range is limited (Q < 2*10-2Å-1 @ 8keV), but the reduced flux density can be beneficial for many soft matter systems. This sample environment is followed by a large 6-circle diffractomete. Finally, a rheology setup is installed which allows to conduct experiments in vertical scattering geometry.
The first 3m of the hutch are dedicated to house a set of shared optical components for the complete beamline. The first element in EH1 is a combination of beam positioning monitor (BPM) by FMBOxford and diamond window situated on a granite block. The beam position is estimated from the backscattered intensity of 0.5 µm thick foils (Titanium or Nickel). The water cooled diamond window (5mm diameter; 60µm thick) is connected to the BPM. This is the only window of the beamline separating the ring vacuum from the beamline vacuum.
These components are followed by an optical table that houses different optical components. The first element is a slit system with a maximum opening of 10x10mm2 and a resolution of 0.2 µm. The second element is a dual fast shutter system for 2D detectors. One system is based on amplified piezo actuators (similar to a design by Cedrat; ~1ms) and the second system is based on magnetic coupling (~30ms). This is followed by an absorber system and a retractable monitor unit to check the beam intensity.