Unified Data Sheet

P07 - High Energy Materials Science Beamline

The HEMS beamline at PETRA III satisfies high energy x-ray diffraction (XRD) and imaging techniques: it is tunable in the range 30-200 keV and optimized for micro- meter focusing with compound refractive lenses (CRLs). In-house and development activities are shared between HZG and DESY, where HZG is focussing on engineering materials science applications with two hutches and DESY operates one hutch for hard XRD experiments.  

HEMS has partly been operational since summer 2010. Regular user operation started June 2011, the last dedicated instrumentation (3D-XRD grain mapping) has been commissioned end of 2013.  



techniques available

XRD, PDF, SAXS, 3D-XRD, Tomography

photon source

in-vacuum undulator IVU-21


number of periods

max power

21.2 mm


 5.2 kW

source brilliance 

1018 ph / s / 0.1% bw / mA

polarization available

linear horizontal

energy range 

50 keV – 200 keV 

beamline energy resolution

5 - 250 eV at 80 keV

max flux ON SAMPLE

5 x 1012 ph /s at 100 keV

spot size ON SAMPLE 

1 mm x 1 mm  down to  2 μm (v) x 30 μm (h) with Al CRLs   
0.9 (v) x 6 (h) mm for 3D-XRD for low-beta mode

angle of incidence light – sample 

0 to 90o, 3.5 A-1(solid, liquid in EH2)

0 to 15o (EH3), 0 for 3D-XRD and Tomography

sample type

solid or liquid, thin films




water cooled DCM

in horizontal Laue scattering geometry


Si(111) bent in Rowland geometry

energy range         

50 - 200 keV

resolving power 

1 x 10-3  down to  7 x 10-5  (channel-cut)



Sample positioning

Diffractometer in EH2

HUBER General Purpose Diffractometer with theta swing tilt for the investigation of surfaces and interfaces

Z-, XY-, Rx-Ry-tilt-stages, Phi rotation

Lin. translation sample stack & optional closed Eulerian cradle HUBER 512.1

Manipulator in EH2

Z-stage: +/- 10 mm, 200 kg load

XY-stage: +/- 25 mm

Rx-Ry-stage and theta swing tilt: +/- 5o

Phi rotation: +/- 180o

sample stack: +/- 30 mm

Heavy Load Hexapod in EH3

PI Hexapod with load capacity 1 t and 1 μm resolution


x: + 202 / - 237 mm;   y: +/- 204 mm;   z: +/- 100 mm

u-Rx, v-Ry: +/- 20o;   w-Rz: +/- 5o; separate w-Rz rotation table: +/- 180o

Dedicated Instruments in EH4

3D-XRD with CRLs focusing, 1 μm resolution, load up to 20 kg

Tomography with 1 μm focus (based on absorption and phase contrast)



Tensile & compressive stress rigs (miniature, for texture, INSTRON 100 kN)

10-350 K closed cycle displex cryostat with 360o beam accesss mounted in an Eulerian cradle

6.5-450 K displex cryostat, full access mini furnace <1300 K mountable in an Eulerian cradle

multi-purpose high temperature application up to ~1600 K in EH2

Modified Dilatometer Bähr DIL 805 A/D with tensile/compressive stress units and rates of 4000 K/s heating and 2500 K/s cooling in EH3


Detection modes







Total electron yield


Grazing incidence angle    


2D -Detector


MAR345 Image Plate Detector      

energy resolution 


count rate 

65 kcts/pixel

spatial resolution 

100 µm

angular resolution  

depending on setup

2theta range  

depending on setup

read-out time 

2-2.5 min

pixel size         

100 µm x 100 µm

array size 

3450 x 3450 (active area circular)

field of view  

(345/2) x (345/2) x PI mm2

 degrees of freedom / translation stages

5 on detector portal (EH3)

  typical collection time

1-40 s
2D -Detectors


Perkin Elmer XRD 1621 Flat Panel

energy resolution 


count rate 

65 kcts/pixel

spatial resolution 

200 µm

angular resolution  

depending on setup

2theta range  

depending on setup

read-out time 

66 msec

pixel size         

200 µm x 200 µm

array size 

2048 x 2048

field of view  

410 x 410 mm2

 degrees of freedom / translation stages

5 on detector portal (EH3), rail (EH2)

  typical collection time

0.1-8 s
2D -Detector


PILATUS3 X CdTe 2M    

energy resolution 


count rate 

5 x 10E6 cts/s/pixel

spatial resolution 

  172 µm

angular resolution  

depending on setup

2theta range  

depending on setup

read-out time 

  0.95 msec

pixel size         

  172 µm x 172 µm

array size 

  1475 x 1679

field of view  

  253.7 x 288.8 mm2

 degrees of freedom / translation stages

5 on detector portal (EH3)

  typical collection time

4-20 msec
2D -Detector


Photonic Science VHR 11 CCD     

energy resolution 


count rate 

65 kcts/pixel

spatial resolution 

32 µm

angular resolution  

depending on setup

2theta range  

depending on setup

read-out time 

200 msec

pixel size         

4.5 µm x 4.5 µm

array size 

4008 x 2672

field of view  

18 x 12 mm2

 degrees of freedom / translation stages

5 on detector portal (EH3)

  typical collection time

0.5-4 s


Oxford Cyberstar NaI              

energy resolution 

< 20%

count rate 

5 x 105 / sec

angular resolution  

depending on slits

2theta range  

-10o to 35o (hor), -1o to 5o (ver)

field of view  

maximum 30 mm diameter    

 degrees of freedom / translation stages

5 on detector rail (EH2)

  typical collection time

0.1-20 s


Amptek CdTe-Diode                

energy resolution 

< 2%

count rate 

5 x 104

angular resolution  

determined by slits

2theta range  

-10o to 35o (hor), -1o to 5o (ver)

field of view  

maximum 5 x 5 mm2    

 degrees of freedom / translation stages

5 on detector rail (EH2)

  typical collection time

0.1-20 s


other facilities available:

   in-situ friction stir welding apparatus FlexiStir (in-house EH3)

   in-situ laser beam welding chamber FlexiLas (in-house EH3, EH1)

   in-situ sputter deposition chamber (in collaboration with Linköping University, EH3)

   in-situ directional zone melting induction furnace (in collaboration with KIT, EH3)



Software type

Labview, C++, etc.

Data output type

spectra, images, parameters like temperature and pressure, etc.

Data output


Software(s) for quantitative analysis

commercial  / in-house / public domain

examples: fit2D, image viewer, a2tool, MARViewer, fable, ...



On request and after introduction via technical staff two nearby support laboratories for mechanical and electronic work are available.