Next Meetings

Photon Science Committee (PSC)

Photon Science Committee

10-11 April 2025 (42nd PSC meeting)

9-10 October 2025 (43rd PSC meeting)

9-10 April 2026 (44th PSC meeting)

Project Review Panels (PRP)

Project Review Panels for PETRA III proposals

remote meetings during the week 21-25 October 2024
on-site meeting at DESY 28-29 April 2025

Project Review Panel for FLASH Proposals

to be announced

DESY Photon Science User Committee (DPS-UC)

Members of the DESY Photon Science User Committee (DPS-UC) usually come together during the annual DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting on the last Thursday & Friday in January.
in 2025: 21-24 January

Laser Advisory Committee (LAC)

Members of the Laser Advisory Committee (LAC) usually meet every 12 months. The location alternates between European XFEL in Schenefeld and DESY in Hamburg.

Laser Advisory Committee

to be announced

Minutes of the meetings

The minutes of the 'Photon Science Committee' PSC, 'Project Review Panels' PRPs and 'Laser Advisory Committee' LAC are confidential and will not be published. Minutes of DPS-UC meetings will be made available to all user upon request. The agendas of the PSC meetings are available online.