Perfumes, cosmetics and cleaning materials have been used by humans since the times of Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire. As a response to society’s needs and desires their usage has expanded rapidly along with the development of new products for personal hygiene, perfumes and well-being.
Many challenges within modern Home and Personal Care technology can be addressed by using synchrotron radiation techniques. Complex molecules used as thickeners or other additives and their behaviour in cosmetic formulations can be characterised. By scattering methods, one can obtain valuable data about the organisation of micellular, vesicular and lamellar structures in detergent formulations such as silicone shampoos and emulsions.
DESY offers Home and Personal Care companies access to experimental techniques applicable to a range of problems.
• analytics on macromolecules
• examination of self assembly in formulations
(micellular, vesicular or lamellar structures)
• in-situ investigation at temperature dependent behaviour, stability and ageing of formulations or ingredients
• monitoring of the effects of cosmetics on the molecular structure of skin, fingernails and hair
• insights on rheologic activity of emulsions or rheology modifiers