
106. Spectral fingerprinting of aqueous glucose with ultra-broadband vibrational sum-frequency generation spectroscopy at bio-relevant low concentration
C. Luo, M. Namboodiri, M. Schulz, R. Riedel, M. Prandolini, and T. Laarmann
submitted (2024)
105. J. Schlappa, G. Ghiringhelli, B. E. Van Kuiken, M. Teichmann, P. S. Miedema, J. T. Delitz, N. Gerasimova, S. Molodtsov, L. Adriano, B. Baranasic, C. Broers, R. Carley, P. Geßler, N. Ghodrati, D. Hickin, L. P. Hoang, M. Izquierdo, L. Mercadier, G. Mercurio, S. Parchenko, M. Stupar, Z. Yin, L. Martinelli, G. Merzoni, Y. Peng, T. Reuss, S. Sreekantan Nair Lalithambika, S. Techert, T. Laarmann, S. Huotari, C. Schroeter, B. Langer, T. Giessel, R. Buechner, J. Buchheim, V. V. da Cruz, S. Eckert, G. Gwalt, C.-Y. Liu, F. Siewert, C. Sohrt, C. Weniger, A. Pietzsch, S. Neppl, F. Senf, A. Scherz, and A. Föhlisch
submitted (2024)
104. B. Sochor, S. Schraad, L. F. Huber, A. Hexemer, T. Laarmann, S. K. Vayalil, P. Müller-Buschbaum, and S. V. Roth
J. Coat. Technol. Res. (2024) accepted
103. F. Richter, U. Saalmann, E. Allaria, M. Wollenhaupt, B. Ardini, A. Brynes, C. Callegari, G. Cerullo, M. Danailov, A. Demidovich, K. Dulitz, R. Feifel, M.e Di Fraia, S. Dev Ganeshamandiram, L. Giannessi, N. Gölz, S. Hartweg, B. von Issendorff, T. Laarmann, F. Landmesser, Y. Li, M. Manfredda, C. Manzoni, M. Michelbach, A. Morlok, M. Mudrich, A. Ngai, I. Nikolov, N. Pal, F. Pannek, G. Penco, O. Plekan, K. C. Prince, G. Sansone, A. Simoncig, F. Stienkemeier, R. J. Squibb, P. Susnjar, M. Trovo, D. Uhl, B. Wouterlood, M. Zangrando, and L. Bruder
submitted (2024)
102. D. Schwickert, A. Przystawik, D. Diaman, D. Kip, J. P. Marangos, and T. Laarmann
J. Phys. Chem. A 128, 989-995 (2024)
101. R. Y. Engel, O. Alexander, K. Atak, U. Bovensiepen, J. Buck, R. Carley, M. Cascella, V. Chardonnet, G. S. Chiuzbaian, C. David, F. Döring, A. Eschenlohr, N. Gerasimova, F. de Groot, L. Le Guyader, O. S. Humphries, M. Izquierdo, E. Jal, A. Kubec, T. Laarmann, J. Lüning, J. P. Marangos, L. Mercadier, G. Mercurio, P. S. Miedema, K. Ollefs, B. Rösner, K. Rossnagel, N. Rothenbach, A. Scherz, J. Schlappa, M. Scholz, J. O. Schunck, K. Setoodehnia, S. Techert, S. M. Vinko, H. Wende, A. A. Yaroslavtsev, Z. Yin, and M. Beye
Struct. Dyn. 10, 054501 (2023)
100. XUV fluorescence as a probe of laser-induced helium nanoplasma dynamics
M. Sumfleth, A. Przystawik, M. Namboodiri, and T. Laarmann
New J. Phys. 25, 103042 (2023)
99. Photon shot-noise limited transient absorption soft x-ray spectroscopy at the European XFEL
L. Le Guyader, A. Eschenlohr, M. Beye, W. Schlotter, F. Döring, C. Carinan, D. Hickin, N. Agarwal, C. Boeglin, U. Bovensiepen, J. Buck, R. Carley, A. Castoldi, A. D'Elia, J.-T. Delitz, W. Ehsan, R. Engel, F. Erdinger, H. Fangohr, P. Fischer, C. Fiorini, A. Föhlisch, L. Gelisio, M. Gensch, N. Gerasimova, R. Gort, K. Hansen, S. Hauf, M. Izquierdo, E. Jal, E. Kamil, S. Karabekyan, T. Kluyver, T. Laarmann, T. Lojewski, D. Lomidze, S. Maffessanti, T. Mamyrbayev, A. Marcelli, L. Mercadier, G. Mercurio, P. S. Miedema, K. Ollefs, K. Rossnagel, B. Rösner, N. Rothenbach, A. Samartsev, J. Schlappa, K. Setoodehnia, G. S. Chiuzbaian, L. Spieker, C. Stamm, F. Stellato, S. Techert, M. Teichmann, M. Turcato, B. Van Kuiken, H. Wende, A. Yaroslavtsev, J. Zhu, S. Molodtsov, C. David, M. Porro, and A. Scherz
J. Synchrotron Rad. 30, 284 (2023)
98. Relaxation dynamics of 3He and 4He clusters and droplets studied by near infrared and visible fluorescence excitation spectroscopy
K. von Haeften, T. Laarmann, H. Wabnitz, and T. Möller
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 1863 (2023)
97. Charge-induced chemical dynamics in glycine probed with time-resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
D. Schwickert, M. Ruberti, P. Kolorenč, A. Przystawik, S. Skruszewicz, M. Sumfleth, M. Braune, L. Bocklage, L. Carretero, M.K. Czwalinna, D. Diaman, S. Düsterer, M. Kuhlmann, S. Palutke, R. Röhlsberger, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, S. Toleikis, S. Usenko, J. Viefhaus, A. Vorobiov, M. Martins, D. Kip, V. Averbukh, J.P. Marangos, and T. Laarmann
Struct. Dyn. 9, 064301 (2022)
D. Uhl, A. Wituschek, R. Michiels, F. Trinter, T. Jahnke, E. Allaria, C. Callegari, M. Danailov, M. Di Fraia, O. Plekan, U. Bangert, K. Dulitz, F. Landmesser, M. Michelbach, A. Simoncig, M. Manfredda, S. Spampinati, G. Penco, R.J. Squibb, R. Feifel, T. Laarmann, M. Mudrich, K.C. Prince, G. Cerullo, L. Giannessi, F. Stienkemeier, and L. Bruder
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 8470 (2022)
95. Electronic quantum coherence in glycine molecules probed with ultrashort x-ray pulses in real time
D. Schwickert, M. Ruberti, P. Kolorenč, S. Usenko, A. Przystawik, K. Baev, I. Baev, M. Braune, L. Bocklage, M.K. Czwalinna, S. Deinert, S. Düsterer, A. Hans, G. Hartmann, C. Haunhorst, M. Kuhlmann, S. Palutke, R. Röhlsberger, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, P. Schmidt, S. Toleikis, J. Viefhaus, M. Martins, A. Knie, D. Kip, V. Averbukh, J.P. Marangos, and T. Laarmann
Science Advances 8, eabn6848 (2022)
D. Uhl, A. Wituschek, U. Bangert, M. Binz, C. Callegari, K.C. Prince, G. Cerullo, L. Gianessi, M. Danailov, G. Sansone, T. Laarmann, R. Michiels, M. Mudrich, P. Piseri, R.J. Squibb, R. Feifel, S. Stranges, F. Stienkemeier, and L. Bruder
J. Phys. B 55, 074002 (2022)
93. Versatile few-cycle high-energy MID-IR OPCPA for nonlinear optics, spectroscopy and imaging
M. Namboodiri, C. Luo, G. Indorf, J. Buss, M. Schulz, R. Riedel, M. Prandolini, and T. Laarmann
OSA Continuum 1, 1157 (2022)
92. Full characterization of a phase-locked DUV double pulse generated in an all-reflective shaping setup working under grazing incidence in a broad spectral range
S. Hartwell, A. Azima, C. Haunhorst, M. Kazemi, M. Namboodiri, A. Przystawik, D. Schwickert, S. Skruszewicz, D. Kip, M. Drescher, and T. Laarmann
Appl. Phys. B 128, 2 (2022)
91. Table-top interferometry on extreme time and wavelength scales
S. Skruszewicz, A. Przystawik, D. Schwickert, M. Sumfleth, M. Namboodiri, V. Hilbert, R. Klas, P. Gierschke, V. Schuster, A. Vorobiov, C. Haunhorst, D. Kip, J. Limpert, J. Rothhardt, and T. Laarmann
Opt. Express 29, 40333 (2021)
90. Dynamical phase shift in x-ray absorption and ionization spectra by two delayed x-ray laser fields
V. Savchenko, F. Gel'mukhanov, T. Laarmann, S.P. Polyutov, and V. Kimberg
Phys. Rev. A 104, 013114 (2021)
89. Nanocellulose-Assisted Thermally-Induced Growth of Silver Nanoparticles for Optical Applications
C.J. Brett, W. Ohm, B. Fricke, A. Alexakis, T. Laarmann, V. Körstgens, P. Müller-Buschbaum, L.D. Söderberg, and S.V. Roth
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 27696 (2021)
88. Optical properties of Li-based nonlinear crystals for high power mid-IR OPCPA pumped at 1 µm under realistic operational conditions
M. Namboodiri, C. Luo, G. Indorf, T. Golz, I. Grguras, J. Buss, M. Schulz, R. Riedel, M. Prandolini, and T. Laarmann
Opt. Mater. Express 11, 231 (2021)
87. Auger electron wave packet interferometry on extreme timescales with coherent soft x-rays
S. Usenko, D. Schwickert, A. Przystawik, K. Baev, I. Baev, M. Braune, L. Bocklage, M.K. Czwalinna, S. Deinert, S. Düsterer, A. Hans, G. Hartmann, C. Haunhorst, M. Kuhlmann, S. Palutke, R. Röhlsberger, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, P. Schmidt, S. Skruszewicz, S. Toleikis, J. Viefhaus, M. Martins, A. Knie, D. Kip, and T. Laarmann
J. Phys. B 53, 244008 (2020)
86. High Gain Harmonic Generation with temporally overlapping seed pulses and application to ultrafast spectroscopy
A. Wituschek, L. Bruder, E. Allaria, U. Bangert, M. Binz, C. Callegari, P. Cinquegrana, L. Gianessi, M. Danailov, A. Demidovich, M. Di Fraia, M. Drabbels, R. Feifel, T. Laarmann, R. Michiels, N. S. Mirian, M. Mudrich, I. Nikolov, P. Piseri, O. Plekan, K. C. Prince, A. Przystawik, P. R. Ribič, P. Sigalotti, S. Stranges, D. Uhl, and F. Stienkemeier
Opt. Express 28, 29976 (2020)
85. Amplified spontaneous emission in the extreme ultraviolet by expanding xenon clusters
A. Benediktovitchy, L. Mercadier, O. Peyrusse, A. Przystawik, T. Laarmann, B. Langbehn, C. Bomme, B. Erk, J. Correa, D. Rolles, S. Toleikis, M. Bucher, C.F.O. Bostedt, A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, S. Dobrodey, M. A. Blessenohl, A. Nelde, M. Müller, D. Rupp, T. Möller, J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and N. Rohringer
Phys. Rev. A 101, 063412 (2020)
84. Tracking Attosecond Electronic Coherences Using Phase-Manipulated Extreme Ultraviolet Pulses
A. Wituschek, L. Bruder, E. Allaria, U. Bangert, M. Binz, C. Callegari, G. Cerullo, P. Cinquegrana, L. Gianessi, M. Danailov, A. Demidovich, M. Di Fraia, M. Drabbels, R. Feifel, T. Laarmann, R. Michiels, M. Mudrich, I. Nikolov, F. H. O’Shea, G. Penco, P. Piseri, O. Plekan, K.C. Prince, A. Przystawik, P.R. Ribič, G. Sansone, P. Sigalotti, S. Spampinati, C. Spezzani, R.J. Squibb, S. Stranges, D. Uhl, and F. Stienkemeier
Nature Communications 11, 883 (2020)
83. Volt-per-Ångstrom terahertz fields from X-ray free-electron lasers
T. Tanikawa, S. Karabekyank, S. Kovalev, S. Casalbuoni, V. Asgekar, S. Bonetti, S. Wall, T. Laarmann, D. Turchinovich, P. Zalden, T. Kampfrath, A.S. Fisher, N. Stojanovics, M. Gensch, and G. Geloni
J. Synchrotron Rad. 27, 796 (2020)
82. Generation and characterization of tailored MIR waveforms for steering molecular dynamics
M.A. Jakob, M. Namboodiri, M.J. Prandolini, and T. Laarmann
Opt. Express 27, 26979 (2019)
81. Shaping femtosecond laser pulses at short wavelength with grazing-incidence optics
L. L. Lazzarino, M. M. Kazemi, C. Haunhorst, C. Becker, S. Hartwell, M. A. Jakob, A. Przystawik, S. Usenko, D. Kip, I. Hartl, and T. Laarmann
Opt. Express 27, 13479 (2019)
80. A sensitive EUV Schwarzschild microscope for plasma studies with sub-micrometer resolution
U. Zastrau, C. Rödel, N. Nakatsutsumi, T. Feigel, K. Appel, B. Chen, T. Döppner, T. Fennel, T. Fiedler, L. B. Fletcher, E. Förster, E. Gamboa, D. Gericke, S. Göde, C. Grote-Fortmann, V. Hilbert, L. Kazak, T. Laarmann, H.J. Lee, P. Mabey, F. Martinez, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, H. Pauer, M. Perske, A. Przystawik, S. Roling, S. Skruszewicz, M. Shihab, J. Tiggesbäumker, S. Toleikis, M. Wünsche, H. Zacharias, S.H. Glenzer, and G. Gregori
Rev. Sci. Inst. 89, 023703 (2018)
79. Direct measurement of the pulse duration and frequency chirp of seeded XUV free electron laser pulses
A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, O. Becker, S. Düsterer, N. Ekanayake, R. Ivanov, M. Kazemi, L.L. Lazzarino, C. Lechner, T. Maltezopoulos, B. Manschwetus, V. Miltchev, J. Müller, T. Plath, A. Przystawik, M. Wieland, R. Assmann, I. Hartl, T. Laarmann, J. Rossbach, W. Wurth, and M. Drescher
New J. Phys. 20, 013010 (2018)
78. Femtosecond dynamics of correlated many-body states in C60 fullerenes
S. Usenko, M. Schüler, A. Azima, M. Jakob, L.L. Lazzarino, Y. Pavlyukh, A. Przystawik, M. Drescher, T. Laarmann, and J. Berakdar
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 875, 032022 (2017)
77. Split-and-delay unit for FEL interferometry in the XUV spectral range
S. Usenko, A. Przystawik, L.L. Lazzarino, M.A. Jakob, F. Jacobs, C. Becker, C. Haunhorst, D. Kip, and T. Laarmann
Appl. Sci. 7, 544 (2017)
76. Mapping few-femtosecond slices of ultra-relativistic electron bunches
T. Plath, Ch. Lechner, V. Miltchev, P. Amstutz, N. Ekanayake, L. L. Lazzarino, Th. Maltezopoulos, J. Bödewadt, T. Laarmann, and J. Rossbach
Nature Scientific Reports 7, 2431 (2017)
75. Attosecond interferometry with self-amplified spontaneous emission of a free-electron laser
S. Usenko, A. Przystawik, M.A. Jakob, L.L. Lazzarino, G. Brenner, S. Toleikis, Ch. Haunhorst, D. Kip, and T. Laarmann
Nature Communications 8, 15626 (2017)
74. Femtosecond dynamics of correlated many-body states in C60 fullerenes
S. Usenko, M. Schüler, A. Azima, M. Jakob, L.L. Lazzarino, Y. Pavlyukh, A. Przystawik, M. Drescher, T. Laarmann, and J. Berakdar
New J. Phys. 18, 113055 (2016)
73. Simultaneous operation of two soft X-ray free-electron lasers driven by one linear accelerator
B. Faatz et al.
New J. Phys. 18, 062002 (2016)
72. Free-electron laser multiplex driven by a superconducting linear accelerator
T. Plath, P. Amstutz, J. Bödewadt, G. Brenner, N. Ekanayake, B. Faatz, K. Hacker, K. Honkavaara, L. L. Lazzarino, Ch. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, M. Scholz, S. Schreiber, M. Vogt, J. Zemella and T. Laarmann
J. Synchrotron Rad. 23, 1070 (2016)
71. High-repetition-rate and high-photon-flux 70 eV high-harmonic source for coincidence ion imaging of gas-phase molecules
J. Rothhardt, S. Hädrich, Y. Shamir, M. Tschnernajew, R. Klas, A. Hoffmann, G.K. Tadesse, A. Klenke, T. Gottschall, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, A. Tünnermann, R. Boll, C. Bomme, H. Dachraoui, B. Erk, M. Di Fraia, D.A. Horke, T. Kierspel, T. Mullins, A. Przystawik, E. Savelyev, J. Wiese, T. Laarmann, J. Küpper, and D. Rolles
Opt. Express 24, 18133 (2016)
70. Ultrafast electron kinetics in short pulse laser-driven dense hydrogen
U. Zastrau, P. Sperling, C. Fortmann, A. Becker, T. Bornath, R. Bredow, T. Döppner, T. Fennel, L.B. Fletscher, E. Förster, S. Göde, G. Gregori, M. Harmand, V. Hilbert, T. Laarmann, H.J. Lee, T. Ma, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, J.P. Mithen, C.D. Murphy, M. Nakatsutsumi, P. Neumayer, A. Przystawik, S. Skruszewicz, J. Tiggesbäumker, S. Toleikis, T.G. White, S.H. Glenzer, R. Redmer, and T. Tschentscher
J. Phys. B 48, 224004 (2015)
69. Ionization dynamics of Xe nanoplasma formation studied with XUV fluorescence spectroscopy
A. Przystawik, L. Schroedter, M. Müller, M. Adolph, C. Bostedt, L. Flückiger, T. Gorkhover, A. Kickermann, M. Krikunova, Nösel, T. Oelze, Y. Ovcharenko, D. Rupp, L. M. Sauppe, S. Schorb, S. Usenko, T. Möller, and T. Laarmann
J. Phys. B 48, 184002 (2015)
68. Ionization dynamics of XUV excited clusters: the role of inelastic electron collisions
M. Müller, L. Schroedter, T. Oelze, L. Nösel, A. Przystawik, A. Kickermann, M. Adolph, T. Gorkhover, L. Flückiger, M. Krikunova, M. Sauppe, Y. Ovcharenko, S. Schorb, C. Bostedt, D. Rupp, T. Laarmann, and T. Möller
J. Phys. B 48, 174002 (2015)
67. Measurements and Simulations of Seeded Electron Microbunches with Collective Effects
K. Hacker, R. Molo, S. Khan, L.L. Lazzarino, C. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, T. Plath, J. Rossbach, S. Ackermann, J. Bödewadt, M. Dohlus, N. Ekanayake, T. Laarmann, and H. Schlarb
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 090704 (2015)
66. Spatio-temporal coherence of free-electron laser radiation in the extreme ultraviolet determined by a Michelson interferometer
V. Hilbert, C. Rödel, G. Brenner, T. Döppner, S. Düsterer, S. Dziarzhytski, L. Fletcher, E. Förster, S.H. Glenzer, M. Harmand, N.J. Hartley, L. Kazak, D. Komar, T. Laarmann, H. J. Lee, T. Ma, M. Nakatsutsumi, A. Przystawik, H. Redlin, S. Skruszewicz, P. Sperling, J. Tiggesbäumker, S. Toleikis, and U. Zastrau
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 101102 (2014)
65. A new design for imaging of fast energetic electrons
S. Skruszewicz, J. Passig, A. Przystawik, N.X. Truong, M. Köther, J. Tiggesbäumker, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer
Int. J. Mass Spec. 365, 338 (2014)
64. Equilibration dynamics and conductivity of warm dense hydrogen
U. Zastrau, P. Sperling, A. Becker, T. Bornath, R. Bredow, T. Döppner, S. Dziarzhytski, T. Fennel, L. B. Fletcher, E. Förster, C. Fortmann, S. H. Glenzer, S. Göde, G. Gregori, M. Harmand, V. Hilbert, B. Holst, T. Laarmann, H.J. Lee, T. Ma, J. P. Mithen, R. Mitzner, C. D. Murphy, M. Nakatsutsumi,P. Neumayer, A. Przystawik, S. Roling, M. Schulz, B. Siemer,S. Skruszewicz, J. Tiggesbäumker, S. Toleikis, T. Tschentscher, T. White, M. Wöstmann, H. Zacharias, and R. Redmer
Phys. Rev. E 90, 013104 (2014)
63. Hidden Charge States in Soft-X-Ray Laser-Produced Nanoplasmas Revealed by Fluorescence Spectroscopy
L. Schroedter, M. Müller, A. Kickermann, A. Przystawik, S. Toleikis, M. Adolph, L. Flückiger, T. Gorkhover, L. Nösel, M. Krikunova, T. Oelze, Y. Ovcharenko, D. Rupp, M. Sauppe, D. Wolter, S. Schorb, C. Bostedt, T. Möller and T. Laarmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 183401 (2014)
62. Resolving ultra-fast heating of dense cryogenic hydrogen
U. Zastrau, P. Sperling, M. Harmand, A. Becker, T. Bornath, R. Bredow, S. Dziarzhytski, T. Fennel, L.B. Fletcher, E. Förster, S. Göde, G. Gregori, V. Hilbert, D. Hochhaus, B. Holst, T. Laarmann, H.J. Lee, T. Ma, J.P. Mithen, R. Mitzner, C.D. Murphy, M. Nakatsutsumi, P. Neumayer, A. Przystawik, S. Roling, M. Schulz, B. Siemer, S. Skruszewicz, J. Tiggesbäumker, S. Toleikis, T. Tschentscher, T. White, M. Wöstmann, H. Zacharias, T. Döppner, S.H. Glenzer, and R. Redmer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 105002 (2014)
61. A high-harmonic generation source for seeding a free-electron laser at 38 nm
T. Maltezopoulos, M. Mittenzwey, A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, H. Dachraoui, M. Rehders, C. Lechner, M. Schulz, M. Wieland, T. Laarmann, J. Roßbach and M. Drescher
Appl. Phys. B 115, 45 (2014)
60. Generation of coherent 19 nm and 38 nm radiation at a free-electron laser directly seeded at 38 nm
S. Ackermann, A. Azima, S. Bajt, J. Bödewadt, F. Curbis, H. Dachraoui, H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, S. Düsterer, B. Faatz, M. Felber, J. Feldhaus, E. Hass, U. Hipp, K. Honkavaara, R. Ischebeck, S. Khan, T. Laarmann, C. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, M. Rehders, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Rossbach, H. Schlarb, S. Schreiber, L. Schroedter, M. Schulz, S. Schulz, R. Tarkeshian, M. Tischer, V. Wacker, and M. Wieland
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 114801 (2013)
Plasma switch as a temporal overlap tool for pump-probe experiments at FEL facilities
M. Harmand, C. Murphy , C. R. D. Brown, M. Cammarata , T. Döppner , S. Düsterer , D. Fritz , E. Förster , E. Galtier, J. Gaudin, S.H. Glenzer , S. Göde , G. Gregori , V. Hilbert , D. Hochhaus , T. Laarmann , H.J. Lee , H. Lemke , K.-H. Meiwes-Broer , A.Moinard , P. Neumayer , A. Przystawik , H. Redlin , M. Schulz , S. Skruszewicz , F. Tavella , T. Tschentscher , T. White , U. Zastrau and S. Toleikis
JINST 7 P08007 (2012)
Generation of the simplest rotational wave packet in a diatomic molecule: Tracing a two-level superposition in the time domain
A. Przystawik, A. Kickermann, A. Al-Shemmary, S. Düsterer, A.M. Ellis, K. von Haeften, M. Harmand, S. Ramakrishna, H. Redlin, L. Schroedter, M. Schulz, T. Seideman, N. Stojanovic, J. Szekely, F. Tavella, S. Toleikis, and T. Laarmann
Phys. Rev. A 85, 052503 (2012)
57. Ultrafast X-Ray Scattering of Xenon Nanoparticles: Imaging Transient States of Matter
C. Bostedt, E. Eremina, D. Rupp, M. Adolph, H. Thomas, M. Hoener, A.R.B. de Castro, J. Tiggesbäumker, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, T. Laarmann, H. Wabnitz, E. Plönjes, R. Treusch, J. R. Schneider, and T. Möller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 093401 (2012)
56. In-situ determination of dispersion and resolving power in simultaneous multiple-angle XUV spectroscopy
U. Zastrau, V. Hilbert, C. Brown, T. Döppner, S. Dziarzhytski, E. Förster, S. H. Glenzer, S. Göde, G. Gregori, M. Harmand, D. Hochhaus, T. Laarmann, H.J. Lee, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, P. Neumayer, A. Przystawik, P. Radcliffe, M. Schulz, S. Skruszewicz, F. Tavella, J. Tiggesbäumker, S. Toleikis, and T. White
JINST 6, P10001 (2011)
55. Heterogeneous clusters as a model system for the study of ionization dynamics within tampered samples
B. Ziaja, H.N. Chapman, R. Santra, T. Laarmann, E. Weckert, C. Bostedt, and T. Möller
Phys. Rev. A 84, 033201 (2011)
54. Moving the Frontier of Quantum Control into the Soft X-Ray Spectrum
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52. Size and Isotope Effects of Helium Clusters and Droplets: Identification of Surface and Bulk-Volume Excitations
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50. Electronic Structure of an XUV Photogenerated Solid-Density Aluminum Plasma
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49. Observation of ultrafast nonequilibrium collective dynamics in warm dense hydrogen
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48. Soft X-ray scattering using FEL radiation for probing near-solid density plasmas at few electron volt temperatures
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47. Emission of electrons from rare gas clusters after irradiation with intense VUV pulses of wavelength 100nm and 32nm
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46. Shell explosion and core expansion of xenon clusters irradiated with intense femtosecond soft x-ray pulses
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45. Turning solid aluminium transparent by intense soft X-ray photoionization
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44. Fragmentation and ionization dynamics of C60 in elliptically polarized femtosecond laser fields
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43. Charge recombination in soft x-ray laser produced nanoplasmas
M. Hoener, C. Bostedt, H. Thomas, L. Landt, E. Erminia, H. Wabnitz, T. Laarmann, R. Treusch, A. R. B. de Castro, and T. Möller
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42. Bremsstrahlung and line spectroscopy of warm dense aluminium plasma heated by xuv free-electron laser radiation
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41. Ultrafast energy redistribution in C60 fullerenes: A real time study by two-color femtosecond spectroscopy
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40. Femtosecond pulse shaping as analytic tool in mass spectrometry of complex polyatomic systems
T. Laarmann, I. Shchatsinin, P. Singh, N. Zhavoronkov, C. P. Schulz, and I. V. Hertel
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39. Photochemical processes in doped argon-neon core-shell clusters: the effect of cage size on the dissociation of molecular oxygen
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38. Excitation, fragmentation and control of large finite systems: C60 in moderately strong laser fields
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37. Coherent control of bond breaking in amino acid complexes with tailored femtosecond pulses
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36. Control of giant breathing motion in C60 with temporally shaped laser pulses
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35. Thomson scattering from near-solid density plasmas using soft x-ray free electron lasers
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34. Molecules and clustes in strong laser fields
C. P. Schulz, T. Burnus, A. Castro, E. K. U. Gross, I. V. Hertel, J. Jortner, T. Laarmann, I. Last, R. J. Levis, M. A. L. Marques, D. A. Romanov, and A. Saenz
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33. Nonadiabatic multielectron dynamics in (moderaterately) strong laser fields: C60 a model case for large finite system
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32. C60 in intense short pulse laser fields down to 9 fs: excitation on time scales below e-e and e-phonon coupling
I. Shchatsinin, T. Laarmann, G. Stibenz, G. Steinmeyer, A. Stalmashonak, N. Zhavoronkov, C. P. Schulz, and I. V. Hertel
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31. Ionic chromophores Xep + (p<4) in multishell rare-gas clusters Xem(NF3kNe7500 (m, k<100) studied with fluorescence spectroscopy
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30. Reply to: Comment on "Photoionization of helium atoms irradiated with intense vacuum ultraviolet free-electron laser light. Part II. Theoretical modeling of multiphoton and single-photon processes
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29. Reply to: "Comment on ‘Photoionization of helium atoms irradiated with intense vacuum ultraviolet free-electron laser light. Part I. Experimental study of multiphoton and single-photon processes"
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28. Electronic and geometric structure of doped rare-gas clusters: surface, site and size effects studied with luminescence spectroscopy
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27. Fragmentation dynamics of fullerenes in intense fs-laser fields: Loss of small neutral fragments on a picosecond time scale
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25. Emission of thermally activated electrons from rare gas clusters irradiated with intense VUV light pulses from a free electron laser
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24. The electronically excited states of helium clusters: An unusual example for the presence of Rydberg states in condensed matter
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23. Multiple ionization of rare gas atoms irradiated with intense VUV radiation
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22. Photoionization of helium atoms irradiated with intense VUV free-electron laser light. Part II. Theoretical modelling of multi-photon and single-photon processes
A. R. B. de Castro, T. Laarmann, J. Schulz, H. Wabnitz, and T. Möller
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21. Photoionization of helium atoms irradiated with intense VUV free-electron laser light. Part I. Experimental study of multi-photon and single photon processes
T. Laarmann, A. R. B. de Castro, P. Gürtler, W. Laasch, J. Schulz, H. Wabnitz, and T. Möller
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20. Ultrafast excitation, ionization and fragmentation of C60
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19. Non-linear phenomena in atoms and clusters induced by intense VUV radiation from a free- electron laser
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18. Interaction of argon clusters with intense VUV-laser radiation: The role of electronic structure in the energy deposition process
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17. Interface excitons in KrmNeN clusters: The role of electron affinity in the formation of electronic structure
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16. Isotopic effect on the cage-induced quenching of OH(A)/OD(A) inside small argon clusters
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15. Intense soft X-ray matter interaction: Multiple ionization of atom clusters by free-electron laser radiation
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14. Energy absorption of free rare gas clusters irradiated by intense VUV pulses of a free-electron laser
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13. Energy relaxation and quenching processes of doped rare gas clusters with a shell-like geometric structure
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12. Multiple ionization of atom clusters by intense soft X-rays from a free-electron laser
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11. Cage effect for the photodissociation of H2O molecules in argon clusters embedded inside neon clusters
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10. Character of tightly bound excitons in small argon clusters: Insights from size-dependent energy shifts
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09. Photoexcitation of rare-gas neon and argon clusters doped with H2O molecules
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08. Electronic energy dissipation processes in doped rare gas clusters with a shell-like structure
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07. Bubble formation and decay in 3He and 4He clusters
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06. Evolution of the charge localisation process in xenon cluster ions: From tetramer to dimer cores as a function of cluster size
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05. Dissociation and suppressed ionisation of H2O molecules embedded in He clusters: The role of the cluster as a cage
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04. Observation of atomiclike electronic excitations in pure 3He and 4He clusters studied by fluorescence excitation spectroscopy
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01. Electronic structure and excited state dynamics of clusters: What can we learn from experiments with synchrotron radiation?
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