Please acknowledge the use of the DESY photon facility. All publications have to contain a corresponding sentence, which is listed here.
For referencing the beamline P08 in publications, please refer to:
[1] O.H. Seeck et al., Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 19, 30-38, (2012). [10.1107/S0909049511047236]
For referencing the Liquid Scattering Apparatus (LISA), please refer to:
[2] B.M. Murphy, et al, Journal of synchrotron radiation 21 (1), 45-56 (2014) [10.1107/S1600577513026192]
For referencing the new Langmuir GID setup (after 2022), please refer to:
[3] C. Shen, et al., Journal of physics / Conference Series 2380(1), 012047 (2022) [10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012047]
For referencing the GIXOS - pseudo reflectivity method from the Langmuir GID setup please refer to:
[4] C. Shen, et al., Journal of Applied Crystallography 57 (3), 2024 [10.1107/S1600576724002887]

Certain equipment at the beamline has been funded through the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Please acknowledge funding through the following grants by including the following sentence:
For recent usage of LISA or the femto-second laser setup:
We thank the BMBF for funding of the LISA instrument/laser setup with ErUM Pro grants 05K19FK2/05K22FK3 (Murphy)
For usage of the Eiger2X 1M detector:
We thank the BMBF for funding of the Eiger2X detector through ErUM Pro 05K19FK2 (Murphy)
For usage of the Lambda detector:
We thank the BMBF for funding of the Lambda detector through 05K16FK3 and the (Murphy/Magnussen)
For the EigerX 1M detector (until 2019):
We thank the BMBF for funding of the Eiger detector through Verbundforschung 05SK7FK3/05KS10FK2 (Magnussen/Murphy)