Dear Users of P02.1,
due to a degraded insertion device, the beamline will get a new undulator which will be installed by the end of October 2025.
This means that ex situ experiments and experiments at quasi-static conditions can be performed before this date, while we offer full in situ and operando capabilities from mid November 2025 on.
Therefore, the beamline is accepting again proposals for Powder Diffraction and Total Scattering experiments of all kinds and we try to schedule experiments accordingly into the corresponding blocks.
25.08.2025 - 26.10.2025
Low flux beam for ex situ measurements and experiments which can be done under quasi-static conditions (e.g. heating and cooling of capillaries at discrete steps, battery experiments with corresponding C-rates, etc.)
27.10.2025 - 12.11.2025
No beam - Installation and commissioning of new undulator
13.11.2025 - 18.12.2025
Possibility to conduct ex situ, in situ and operando experiments of all kinds
If you have further questions, please get in contact with the P02.1 beamline scientist in charge Dr. Martin Etter
We apologize for any inconveniences.
The Powder Diffraction and Total Scattering Beamline, P02.1, is dedicated to study of the atomic scale structure of polycrystalline materials, both in terms of long-range periodic order – by Bragg diffraction – and local structural features, using total scattering and X-ray Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analysis. We support users from a wide range of fields including chemistry, material science, solid state physics and engineering.
P02.1 is a side station of the P02 beamline, operating simultaneously and independently of the mainline station (P02.2 – Extreme Conditions). Simultaneous operation is achieved by the beamline having a fixed high energy of 60 keV (λ ~ 0.207 A), which makes the beamline well suited for studies of
- Studies of high-Z containing polycrystalline samples
- Stress-strain measurements
- In situ or operando studies of chemical reactions, including crystallisation, catalysis and battery cells
- Investigation of nanostructured or amorphous materials
The beamline provides an unfocussed beam the size of which may be varied from ~0.2×0.2 mm2 to 1.0×1.0 mm2. Two VAREX XRD4343CT area detectors mounted on two long translation stages are available for data collection. At the longest sample to detector distances (SDD) of about 2.4 m standard powder (Bragg) diffraction suitable for structure solution and Rietveld refinement may be measured. At the minimum SDD (approx. 0.2 m) total scattering data for PDF analysis may be obtained.

A sketch layout of beamline P02.1