Mail-in experiments at P08

Starting with the next proposal call for proposals Spring 2021 we ask for mail-in experiments. To apply for mail-in experiments select the P08 setup: "Kohzu 6-circle diffractometer (mail-in)" in DOOR.

Currently, available for mail-in will be standard measurements of thin films / surfaces on solid support at the Kohzu diffractometer with following boundary conditions:

  • Available measurements: XRR, XRD (theta-2theta), GI-WAXS
  • Available photon energies: 9, 18, or 25 keV
  • Raw beam or OH focusing (~ 500 x 100 µm² beam size)
  • max sample size 10x10 mm²
  • Max. 2 days/proposal

We are considering to extent our mail-in services in future depending on user demands.

For further question regarding mail-in experiments please contact the beamline team