XFEL & DESY Photonscience Users Meeting 2018
SRI 2018
A ‘Focus Finder’ for Micro Focus and Beam Characterization.
XFEL & DESY Photonscience Users Meeting 2017

Performance of the variable polarization XUV beamline P04: Benchmarking and studies on stability
XFEL & DESY Photonscience Users Meeting 2015
Progress at the Variable Polarization XUV Beamline at PETRA III
XFEL & DESY Photonscience Users Meeting 2014
Fast XPS end station at P04 (PETRA III): perspective for synthesis and investigation of advanced materials based on low-dimensional systems.
Highly Efficent TOF-Measurements of Photoelectrons and -ions at the PETRA III-XUV Beamline
Transition from random to oriented target properties in molecular hydrogen
DESY Photonscience Users Meetings 2013
Focus Finder for Microfocus Characterization at P04
SRI 2012
The Variable Polarization XUV beamline P04 at PETRA III
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo calculations of Gas Dynamics
Hasylab Users Meeting 2011
The P04 Universal Diagnostic Unit for XUV and Soft X-Ray Radiation