EUV sources and applications

source: Class 5 Photonics


Laser-based extreme ultraviolet (EUV) sources do not only provide excellent opportunities for time-resolved investigations and imaging using short-wavelength sources, they have been the main ingridient for the 2023 Nobel Prize in physics, awarded for “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter”.

Utilizing the recent advent of multi-100 W average power few-cycle laser systems leveraged by multi-pass post-compression technology, our group develops laser-based EUV sources. This includes a high-average power source at 13.5 nm, targeting metrology demands for the production of semiconductor chips – the chips driving our modern electronic devices such as smart phones and computers.

Selected Publications

Weissenbilder, R., Carlström, S., Rego, L. et al. How to optimize high-order harmonic generation in gases. Nat Rev Phys 4, 713–722 (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s42254-022-00522-7

