Welcome to the Coherent X-ray Scattering Group

We use coherent X-rays to study structure and dynamics of complex fluids and glasses. We perform experiments at synchrotron and free-electron laser sources including coherent small angle X-ray scattering and various pump-probe methods. We designed and constructed an X-ray split and delay unit for ultrafast X-ray pump X-ray probe experiments at FEL sources.
Research Highlights
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Research Activities
Complex Liquids
In the research field “Complex Liquids” we study structure and dynamics of soft matter, in particular colloidal and aqueous systems. The main focus lies on coherent X-ray scattering experiments at modern synchrotron and free-electron laser sources.
These experiments are performed with custom-made sample systems synthesized in our group and are accompanied by different characterization methods (UV-Vis, DLS, TEM, …) as well as molecular dynamics, Brownian dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations.
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Ultrafast Dynamics
In the frame of this research project we study ultrafast phenomena using modern free electron x-ray sources. Our research portfolio includes development of novel and science enabling split-and-delay X-ray optics.
Our experiments are performed at various free-electron laser facilities including LCLS, SACLA, and European XFEL. Static characterization of our sample systems via small-angle X-ray scattering and Fourier transform holography is performed at 3rd generation storage rings.
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