Open positions

Upcomig position opening (fall 2025): Postdoc position within the ERC project GASONIC

You are always very welcome to contact us if you are interested to work with us as a PostDoc - there are multiple PostDoc stipend options for which you might be eligible.

PhD students
- PhD position (DESY & University of Hamburg) in MPC nonlinear optics: position opening
- PhD position (DESY & University of Hamburg) in in Gas-Phase Sono-Photonics (closely linked to the upcoming GASONIC project, funded by the European Research Council): position opening
- PhD position in intra-cavity high-harmonic generation: Jointly with the Université Paris-Saclay within the Light in Paris program, we are opening a PhD position targeting the development of an Attosecond Quantum Source Based on intra-cavity High Harmonic Generation
- upcoming (spring 2025): PhD position targeting VUV frequency combs within the HITHOR project, funded by the European Research Council

Bachelor/ Master students
Gas-Phase Sono-Photonics project:
- Open positions for theses in experimental and computational optics are currently available.

We are always looking for Bachelor/Master students and offer multiple student projects with close connection to ongoing research activities. You are very welcome to contact us to find out more.

Student helpers
Are you interested to gain experience in a research environment early-on as a student? We regularly have positions for student helpers available. Please contact us!