XUV Split-and-Delay Lines: Performing XUV-XUV Pump-Probe Experiments at FLASH


Photograph of the almost 7m long vacuum vessel of the SDU at FL24




Split-and-delay unit at the PG2 beamline



Sketch of the DESC split-and-delay unit in front of the CAMP instrument

In addition to the split-and-delay units (SDUs) being an integral part of the permanent instrument endstations CAMP@BL1 and REMI@FL26, FLASH also provides SDUs in the open-port beamlines:
At FLASH2, a grazing incidence SDU is installed, which was developed and built as a BMBF collaborative research (now named "ErUM pro") project of the Universität Münster (H. Zacharias et al.) and DESY. This SDU covers the entire photon energy range of FLASH2, including harmonics, up to 1800 eV and allows X-ray pump–X-ray probe experiments at beamline FL24 as well as soon at the adjacent monochromator beamline FL23. The setup relies on wavefront beam splitting at grazing incidence angles and has a delay range from -5 ps up to 18 ps with sub-femtosecond jitter and resolution.

M. Dreimann et al., The soft X-ray and XUV split-and-delay unit at beamlines FL23/24 at FLASH2, J. Synchrotron Rad. 30, 479-489 (2023);


Matthias Dreimann , Uni Münster

At the plane grating monochromator beamline PG2, a Mach-Zehnder type autocorrelator has been developed by the Universität Hamburg and implemented as a XUV split-and-delay unit. The device is able to split the pulses and delay them up to ±5.1 ps with a stability in the 200 attosecond range. Both delay arms include an intensity monitor system to measure the beam splitting ratio online. A filter unit in the arms of the delay-line allows a choice of harmonics and thus two-colour XUV-XUV pump-probe experiments.

F. Sorgenfrei et al., The extreme ultraviolet split and femtosecond delay unit at the plane grating monochromator beamline PG2 at FLASH, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 043107 (2010); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3374166


Günter Brenner
E-Mail: Günter Brenner
Phone: +49 (0)40 8998 (9)4527
Location: 28k / O2.021

At the FLASH1 beamline BL1 with the permanent CAMP instrument for atomic, molecular, cluster and nanoparticle science, a multilayer-mirror-based split-and-delay unit DESC (DElay Stage for CAMP) is installed for time-resolved experiments. XUV double-pulses with delays adjustable from zero femtoseconds up to 650 picoseconds are generated by reflecting under near-normal incidence, exceeding the time range accessible with the other XUV split-and-delay units. The parameters of DESC offer the possibility to disentangle fast and slower dynamics such as excitation, ionization, charge transfer and structural dynamics in highly excited non-equilibrium states of matter within a single experimental approach.


M.Sauppe et al.,
XUV double-pulses with femtosecond to 650 picoseconds separation from a multilayer mirror based split-and-delay unit at FLASH,
J. Synchr. Rad. 25, 1517-1528 (2018);