The FLASH1 experimental floor has a size of 20 m x 30 m shared among the BL- and the PG-Beamlines. Beamline BL1 has Kirkpatrick-Beaz (KB) focusing optics and the permanently installed multi-purpose chamber CAMP. The former beamline BL2 featured a ~20 μm (FWHM) focal spot produced by an ellipsoidal mirror or an unfocused beam and incorporated a spilt-and-delay unit for XUV-XUV pump-probe experiments. In the unfocused setup nickel coatings allowed user experiments down to ~4.2 nm in the FEL fundamental. Beamline BL3 features a ~20 μm (FWHM) focal spot produced by an ellipsoidal mirror or an unfocused beam and allows a combination of XUV pulses with THz pulses from the THz beamline for pump-probe experiments.
- more detailed information on the CAMP end-station
- Non-monochromatic FEL photons
- Nickel-coated Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) focusing optics providing an FEL focal spot of ~7μm x 8μm (FWHM, hor/ver) over the full wavelength range of FLASH1
- Modular layout allowing combinations of large-area, single-photon counting pnCCD photon-detectors with VMI- and COLTRIMS-type electron- and ion-spectrometers, and ports for various user provided gas jets, particle injectors and fixed target holders
- Multilayer based split-and-delay unit for XUV pump -XUV probe experiments (-30ps to +650ps, @13.57nm)
- Photon diagnostics and beam manipulation tools: GMD intensity monitors, beam position monitors, in-line varied-line spacing (VLS) wavelength spectrometer, sets of filters and apertures, gas absorber, fast shutter
- After the shutdown in 2024-2025, BL1 will initially not be operable with an optical pump-probe laser. A high-power optical pump-probe laser for FLASH1 beamlines will be built after accomplishing the seeded FEL and its delivery.
BL2 has been disassembled in autumn 2020 and is no longer available !
BL3 - 3m x 4m footprint for user-provided endstation, THz-XUV Pump -probe available
- non-monochromatic FEL photons, spectral range >4.5 nm (carbon coated optics)
- focused to ~20 μm or unfocussed beam size ~5-10 mm (FWHM, depending on wavelength)
- optional pump-probe experiments using the FLASH1 optical pump-probe laser systems
- photon diagnostics and beam manipulation tools: GMD intensity monitors, beam position monitors, in-line varied-line spacing (VLS) wavelength spectrometer, OPIS wavelength spectrometer, sets of filters and apertures, gas absorber, fast shutter
- optional pump-probe experiments using THz radiation .
BL 1 / CAMP |
BL 2 |
BL 3 |
Focus size FWHM (µm) (theor.) |
~ 5x7 |
~20 / unfocused (~7 mm) |
~20 / unfocused (~7 mm) |
Focal length (m) |
0.81 (hor), 0.55 (ver) |
2 /NA |
2 /NA |
Focusing mirror |
KB System |
ellipsoidal/none |
ellipsoidal/none |
Beam height above floor (mm) |
1600 ± 20 |
1600 ± 20 |
1600 ± 20 |
Distance of last flange of beamline (CF 40) to focus (mm) |
NA |
527.5/NA |
527.5/NA |
Distance focus- undulator (m) |
76 |
73 |
72.2 |
No. of mirrors to exp (C coating), reflection angle |
6 (2°,2°,2°,2°,3°,3°) focused |
3 (2°, 2°, 3°) focused |
5 (2°, 2°, 3°, 3°, 3°) focused |
Option to only use Ni mirrors |
yes |
yes (unfocused) |
no (unfocused) |
BL transmission (% at 13.5 nm, C coating) |
48±5 |
64±4 |
59±6 |
Area for Experiment (m*m) |
3*4 |
3*4 |
3.5*4 |
Optical laser for pump-probe |
no |
no |
no |
Optical laser height (mm) |
1500 |
1500 |
1500 |
THz for pump-probe |
no |
no |
yes |
Split-and delay unit |
yes |
yes |
no |
Gas attenuator |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Transmission filters |
Al, Si, Zr, Nb |
Al, Si, Zr, Nb |
Al, Si, Zr, Nb |
Fast shutter |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Pump-Probe Lasers and Endstation Instruments
You can find the parameters of our Pump-Probe Lasers serving the individual beamlines HERE.
You might also want to have a look at our portfolio of instruments HERE in order to find out what is most suitable for your experimental idea.
K. Tiedtke et al., The soft X-ray free-electron laser FLASH at DESY: beamlines, diagnostics, and end stations, New J. Phys. 11, 023029 (2009).
Publications from beamline BL1 and CAMP (after 2015): click here
Publications from former beamline BL2: click here
Publications from beamline BL3: click here
Publications from THz beamline at BL3: click here