If you intend to use a chemistry laboratory during your beamtime, you are requested to log in to DOOR and fill in the online form "Use of chemistry laboratory" at least 4 weeks before each scheduled beamtime. The declaration will be evaluated by our Safety Team (A. Ciobanu (ext. -4683), S. Lessmann-Bassen (ext. -3180). For questions concerning the safety concept please contact our Safety Team. In addition, the corresponding Online Safety Training modules “Basic Instructions”, “Chemistry Lab” (plus ”PETRA III” for the PETRA III Labs) in DOOR have to be completed. The signed Online Safety Training certificate shall be submitted to the Users’ Office as indicated on the certificate.
Lab briefing and Access
Once your application to work in the chemistry lab has been approved by the safety team, you will recieve a confirmation E-mail.
Reply to the E-mail to arrange an appointment for the compulsory lab briefing. Questions can be sent to photon-science.user-labs
Contact :
Brit Heilmann (ext. -5707)
Milena Lippmann (ext.-4691)
for the
Chemistry lab PETRA III P. P. Ewald (bldg. 46g / room EG.011)
Cleanroom lab PETRA III M. v. Laue (bldg. 47c / room L032)
Chemistry lab FLASH 2 K. Siegbahn (bldg. 28k / room EG.006)
Ilhan Ahmed (ext. -3120)
Milena Lippmann (ext.-4691)
for the
Chemistry lab PETRA III M. v. Laue (bldg. 47c / room L031)
Chemistry lab PETRA III A. Yonath (bldg. 48f / room U1.011)