Travel Cost Reimbursement

Travel Cost Reimbursement Form
For travel cost reimbursement fill in this form and send to us with all original tickets and receipts. Please use the option to fill in electronically and avoid filling in by hand. [More]
ESUO questionnaire
Trans-National Access (TNA) to synchrotron and FEL facilities will no longer be funded by the European Commission - CALIPSOplus expired in October 2021. This may give rise to severe problems for many facility users. In order to address this problem to political authorities, ESUO needs your input. Please support ESUO by filling this short questionnaire here. [More]
ESUO webpage
European Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser User Organisation [More]

Users from German universities can apply for travel cost reimbursement for their trip to DESY after their research proposal has been accepted and beamtime has been allocated.
Users from universities in EU and EU-associated countries can apply for reimbursement of their overnight stays in the DESY Hostel related to an allocated beamtime.

A maximum number of three participants are eligible for reimbursement. Instead of travel reimbursement you can also apply for sample shipment costs.

Application for reimbursement:
An application for reimbursement has to be submitted via DOOR prior to your beamtime trip to DESY! This application has to be submitted by the Principal Investigator of the proposal for a maximum number of 3 participants. Persons who are not listed in this application are not eligible for travel reimbursement!

Reimbursement documents have to be handed in to the User Office not later than 6 months after the end of the business trip! This deadline cannot be extended due to legal reasons!
Forms for travel and shipment reimbursement can be downloaded here:

Reimbursement Forms
Sample Shipment Reimbursement Form
Travel Cost Reimbursement Form

Please send the completed and signed forms together with all original receipts and tickets to:

DESY Photon Science User Office
Bldg. 94/ Room O1.013
"travel cost reimbursement/Reisekostenerstattung"
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg

Please do not send the documents directly to the DESY travel centre/Reisestelle! This will prolong the processing time.

Detailed information on the regulations for the different user groups are given below. In case you have further questions concerning the application procedures please contact the DESY Photon Science User Office.

Users from German Universities

Limited funds are available for user groups from German universities whose activities at DESY Photon Science is not supported by any other funding source. Users affiliated with BMWA, EMBL, FhG, HGF, MPG und WGL institutes are not eligible for travel reimbursement.
For detailed information pease consult:

DESY Hostel for Universitiy users from EU countries

Upon request via DOOR, DESY and Hereon will cover the costs for the DESY Hostel for a maximum number of three EU participants from Universities per proposal. This applies only to proposals with "EC" identifier in the proposal ID (i.e. the leader is affiliated with an institution in an EU or EU associated country). The application for reimbursement has to be submitted by the Principal Investigator of the proposal before the experiment.
For detailed information please consult:

NEPHEWS: Travel reimbursment for users from prioritized EU widening countries

In the frame of the EU NEPHEWS programme full travel reimbursement (tickets up to € 500, DESY Hostel and daily allowance) for up to two users coming from the prioritized countries Estonia, Finland, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia or Ukraine can be reimbursed. This applies to proposals where the leader is affiliated with one of the prioritized countries and with the majority of beamtime participants coming from these countries.
The request for reimbursement has to be submitted by the Principal Investigator of the proposal before the experiment via DOOR.
For detailed information please consult:

NFFA Users

NFFA is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 EU Funding Programme of the European Commission. Users with an approved NFFA proposal and a confirmed access to the DESY NanoLab and/or a corresponding beamtime at PETRA III are eligible for travel cost reimbursement for up to two participants.

For detailed information please consult: