Publications & Acknowledgements


Publications resulting from experimental or theoretical activities at DESY Photon Science are an essential measure of the scientific productivity of our facilities and of utmost importance for the evaluation by funding agencies. Therefore please note: The use of the facilities is only free of charge if the results of your experiments at DESY Photon Science are published according to established standards.

Submission of publication references to DESY Publication Database

In order to keep our publication database as complete and up-to-date as possible we strongly rely on your support. Please register all your publications related to your research activities at DESY Photon Science via DOOR .
DESY as member of the Helmholtz Association is obliged to publish results Open Access from 2023 on. Therefore, please upload the final PDF and the latest author version (i.e. before layout by the journal) of an article when registering the paper in our database. DESY will make the publication publicly accessible under consideration of applicable copyrights.

All registered publications are retrievable in the online DESY Publication Database (pubdb) and will be listed on the webpages of the respective beamline.

Affiliation of DESY Photon Science co-authors

If DESY Photon Science employees (e.g. beamline scientists) are included as co-authors on your publication please use the following affiliation:

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany


Acknowledgement to DESY Photon Science

In publications based in total or in part on research carried out at DESY Photon Science, the following note should always be included in the acknowledgements, giving reference to the beamline(s) used, supporting beamline staff or any other assistance or information as e.g. EU contract numbers, proposal numbers.

"We acknowledge DESY (Hamburg, Germany), a member of the Helmholtz Association HGF, for the provision of experimental facilities. Parts of this research were carried out at (1) and we would like to thank (2) for assistance in using (3). Beamtime was allocated for proposal(s) (4)."

1FLASH / PETRA III / DESY NanoLab / laboratory / etc
2Name(s) of the local staff who assisted the experiment, in case that they are not co-authors
3Name(s) of the DESY instrumentation used, such as photon beamline(s)/ off-line instrument / support laboratory / laser system / major software package, etc.
4ID of the proposal (e.g. I-2019xxxx, II-2019xxxx etc)

References to publications from beamlines and DESY Nanolab

In any publication please cite the respective publication from the PETRA III beamline (see 'referencing P00' on the beamline webpage), FLASH beamlines or DESY Nanolab.

Acknowledgement of ErUM-Pro programme of the BMBF

Please be informed that use of ErUM-Pro funded end stations and equipment at PETRA III and FLASH in your work needs to be acknowledged!
Therefore, please check whether the beamline, station or equipment used for your experiment is funded by the ErUM-Pro programme of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Information on the ErUM-Pro projects at PETRA III and FLASH can be found in this list or please contact the respective beamline manager.

In case of funding, please include the following sentence in your acknowledgements:

"The beamline/station/instrument XX is funded by the ErUM-Pro programme (grant number YY, if available) of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)."

Acknowledgement of NEPHEWS travel reimbursement and support

All publications directly linked to experiments that benefitted from EU NEPHEWS programme have to include an acknowledgement as follows:

"The research leading to this result has been co-funded by the project NEPHEWS under Grant Agreement No 101131414 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the Granting Authorities can be held responsible for them."

A similar acknowledgement should be included in conference presentations, proceedings and any other public presentation of your results. Researchers must observe the principles of integrity in scientific research, such as fairness in providing references and giving credit.

Acknowledgement of CALIPSOplus travel reimbursement

If applicable, also acknowledge travel reimbursement. If granted via CALIPSOplus please include the following sentence:

"The research leading to this result has been supported by the project CALIPSOplus under the Grant Agreement 730872 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020"

A similar acknowledgement should be included in conference presentations, proceedings and any other public presentation of your results. Researchers must observe the principles of integrity in scientific research, such as fairness in providing references and giving credit.

Please find details for reporting requirements and reference to CALIPSOplus here.