Regular proposals at PETRA III

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Regular proposals at PETRA III

  • valid for ½ year (September Call: ~January-June, March Call: ~July-December)
  • each proposal is valid for one beamtime at one beamline only
  • submission via DOOR only during call periods
  • proposal is restricted to 2 DIN A4 Pages, template has to be used
  • beamtime application is submitted along with proposal during the call period
Template for regular proposals for PETRA III beamlines
Template for regular proposals for PETRA III beamlines

P08, P11, P22, P23 and P24 are EXCLUDED from the regular calls for proposals.
Proposals for these five beamline can be submitted at any time under a rolling procedure to allow for faster access. For detailed regulations, procedures and templates please consult:

Regular proposals at PETRA III with scientific focus

DESY provides beamtime at PETRA III for proposals with strong scientific impact.
Outline the scientific aspects of your project in the proposal as usual. Your proposal is automatically considered for review of the scientific impact.

Regular proposals at PETRA III with focus on immediate socio-economic impact

DESY provides beamtime for scientific proposals with strong and immediate socio-economic impact. The criteria are described below:

Leader and/or PI of the proposal has to be affiliated with a university or research institution. The immediate socio-economic aspect of the proposal has to be elaborated as outlined in the proposal template. Your proposal will then be considered for review of the immediate socio-economic impact in addition to the scientific evaluation.

As for regular proposals with scientific focus, the results have to be published; in any case the data will be open to the public after an embargo period of 3 (+2) years.

A proposal claiming immediate socio-economic impact, has to fulfill at least one of the following criteria:

  • Presentation of a robust and credible exploitation plan
  • Project includes preparatory studies for raising a startup company
  • Project is a pre-commercial development and product has a technical readiness level (TRL, see below) of minimum 4

If the reviewers account the criteria of socio-economic impact as not being fulfilled, your proposal will automatically be evaluated as regular proposal with scientific focus.

Definitions for Technical Readiness Level (TRL) for pre-commercial developments are:




Basic principles observed


Technology concept formulated


Experimental verification of the concept


Technology tested in the laboratory


Technology checked in a relevant environment (for key technologies in an industry-oriented environment)


Technology tested in a relevant environment (for key technologies in an industry-oriented environment)


Test of a system prototype in real life


System is complete and qualified


System works in an operational environment (competitive manufacturing in key technologies or space)