Project Review Panel (PRP)

The DESY Photon Science 'Project Review Panels' (PRP) discuss and rate user proposals for new research projects at DESY light sources PETRA III and FLASH regarding their scientific excellence, their feasibility at the experimental station of choice, and their relevance to the general research programme.

Each PRP consists of at least five external national and international experts (more than hundred scientific referees, nominated for a period of 3 years) and a DESY Photon Science representative acting as secretary. New referees can be suggested by the panels and are nominated the DESY Photon Science Management. An additional Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) organized by EMBL evaluates proposals submitted for beamline P11 and the EMBL Life Science beamlines P12-P14.

The PRP meetings are scheduled twice a year (April/May and October/November). During the meetings the reviewers agree on the final ranking for each proposal. According to the reviewers’ recommendation and ranking, the DESY Photon Science management decides on the final approval. The beamtime is distributed considering the ranking given by the PRPs and the total number of beamtime shifts available at the respective beamline.

Due to the high demand, experimental stations at DESY Photon Science are generally overbooked, and beamtime can be guaranteed not even for all highly ranked projects. After finalization of the beamtime schedule of each beamline DESY Photon Science informs the users about the acceptance of their proposals and the beamtime allocated. The beamtime schedules for each beamline at PETRA III and FLASH are published on the DESY Photon Science web pages.

The use of the facilities is free of charge for academic research, as long as the results are being published according to established standards.

The Project Review Panels are organized along beamlines/facility

  • P01 | P09
  • P02.1
  • P02.2 | P61 (LVP branch DESY)
  • P03 | P62
  • P04 | P66
  • P05 | P06
  • P07 (Hereon Hutches) | P61 (Hereon branch)
  • P08 | P23 | P24
  • P10
  • P21 | P07 (DESY Hutch)
  • P22
  • P64 | P65
  • Proposals for beamlines P11-P14 are reviewed by the EMBL-PEC
  • Soft X-ray - FEL Experiments (all FLASH beamlines)

P64 | P65




P08 | P23 | P24

"Bulk and Surface Diffraction"

Dr. Aleksandr Kalinko (Secretary)
Dr. Edmund Welter (Secretary)


Dr. Giannantonio Cibin
Dr. Nina Genz
Dr. Giorgia Greco
Dr. Konstantin Klementiev
Dr. Katherine Mazzio
Dr. Dooshaye Moonshiram
Dr. Roland Schoch
Dr. Janis Timoshenko
Dr. Case van Genuchten
Dr. Andrea Zitolo

Dr. Christoph Schlüter (Secretary)

Dr. Sara Blomberg
Dr. Francesco Borgatti
Dr. Felix Gunkel
Dr. Maria Hahlin
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lindblad
Prof. Dr. Martina Müller
Dr. Slavomir Nemsak
Prof. Dr. Christoph Rameshan
Dr. Anna Regoutz
Dr. Frederik Schiller
Prof. Dr. Michael Sing
Dr. Yasumasa Takagi

Dr. Florian Bertram (Secretary)
Dr. Dmitri Novikov (Secretary)
Dr. Martin Tolkiehn (Secretary)

Dr. Volodymyr Bon
Prof. Dr. Wuge Briscoe
Dr. Michal Dusek
Prof. Dr. Jan Ingo Flege
Dr. Joerg Grenzer
Dr. Yvonne Grunder
Dr. Richard Harvey
Dr. Alexander Hinderhofer
Dr. Vladimir Kaganer
Dr. Bärbel Krause
Prof. Dr. SoHyun Park
Dr. Carsten Richter
Dr. Alexandr Virovets

P07 (Hereon) | P61 (Hereon)

"Materials Science"

P03 | P62



"Powder Diffraction"

Dr. Dieter Lott (HZG) (Secretary)


Dr.-Ing. Jérémy Epp
Dr. Guillaume Geandier
Prof. Dr. Julia Herzen
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Krempaszky
Dr. Ingo Manke
Dr. Georg Schulz
Dr. Carsten Siemers
Dr. Petra Spoerk-Erdely

Adj. Prof. Sarathlal Koyiloth Vayalil (Secretary)
Dr. Sylvio Haas (Secretary)

Prof. Jens Wenzel Andreasen
Prof. Dr. Sabrina Disch
Dr. Marios Georgiadis
Prof. Dr. Ajay Gupta
Prof. Dr. Eva Herzig
Prof. Dr. Tobias Kraus
Dr. Rainer Lechner
Prof. Dr. Eva Malmström
Prof. Dr. Simone Mascotto
Dr. Peter Šiffalovič

Dr. Martin Etter (Secretary)

Dr. Jozef Bednarcik
Prof. Dr. Robert Dinnebier
Dr. Bernd Hinrichsen
Dr. Manueal Hintersteien
Dr. Kirsten Marie Jensen
Dr. Gregor Kieslich
Dr. Michael Knapp
Dr. Daria Mikhailova
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Claudia Weidenthaler
Dr. Irmgard Weissensteiner

P05 | P06

"Imaging (full-field, scanning, coherent)"


P01 | P09

"Inelastic, Magnetic and Resonant Scattering"




"Coherent applications"


Dr. Gerald Falkenberg (DESY) (Secretary)
Dr. Fabian Wilde (Secretary)

Dr. Matthias Alfeld
Dr. Ulrike Bösenberg
Dr. Asuncion Carmona
Dr. Fabien Chauveau
Prof. Dr. David Fenning
Prof. Dr. Michael Heethoff
Dr. Sebastian Kalbfleisch
Dr. Andrew Kiss
Prof. Dr. Ute Krämer
Dr. Florian Meirer
Prof. Dr. Bert Müller
Prof. Dr. Guillermo Requena
Prof. Dr. Roberto Terzano
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Vogt
Dr. Benjamin Wipfler

Dr. Ilya Sergeev (Secretary)
Dr. Sonia Francoual (Secretary)

Prof. Dr. Manuel Angst
Prof. Dr. Lars Lauterbach
Dr. Kristina Kvashnina
Dr. Daniel Merkel
Dr. Matteo Minola
Prof. Dr. Joachim von Zanthier
Dr. Jonathan White

Dr. Fabian Westermeier (Secretary)
Dr. Michael Sprung (Secretary)

Dr. Martin Bech
Dr. Silvain Bohic
Prof. Dr. Ralf Busch
Dr. Birgit Hankiewicz
Dr. Michael Paulus
Prof. Dr. Ullrich Pietsch
Dr. Barbara Ruzicka
Dr. Dina Sheyfer
Prof. Dr. Olivier Thomas

P21 | P07 (DESY)

"High Energy Diffraction"


P02.2 | P61 (LVP)

"Extreme Conditions"


P04 | P66

"VUV and Soft X-ray"


Dr. Ann-Christin Dippel (Secretary)
Dr. Ulrich Lienert (Secretary)
Dr. Martin von Zimmermann (Secretary)

Prof. Dr. Frauke Alves
Dr. Olaf J. Borkiewicz
Prof. Dr. Peter Broekmann
Dr. Per-Anders Carlsson
Dr. Magnus H. Colliander
Dr. Margit Fábián
Dr. Jens Gibmeier
Prof. Dr. Julia Herzen
Prof. Dr. Nina Lock
Dr. Lindsay Merte
Prof. Dr. Matt Miller
Dr. Tobias Ritschel
Dr. Larissa Ishibe-Veiga

Dr. Hanns-Peter Liermann (Secretary)
Dr. Robert Farla (Secretary)

Dr. Eglantine Boulard
Prof. Dr. Martin Bremholm
Dr. Sylvie Demouchy
Dr. Lars Ehm
Prof. Dr. Holger Kohlmann
Dr. Zuzana Konopkova
Dr. Sergey S. Lobanov
Prof. Dr. Paolo Lotti
Prof. Dr. Hauke Marquardt
Dr. Sergey Medvedev
Prof. Dr. Bjoern Winkler

Dr. Moritz Hoesch (Secretary)
Dr. Aleksei Kotlov (Secretary)

Dr. Paola Bolognesi
Dr. Sergey Borisenko
Prof. Dr. Felix Büttner
Prof. Dr. Raimund Feifel
Prof. Dr. Jochen Geck
Prof. Dr. Mark Golden
Prof. Dr. Nils Huse
PD Dr. Timo Kuschel
Prof. Dr. Aleksandr Luštšik
Prof. Dr. Yasmine Sassa
Prof. Dr. Anna Vedda

Soft X-Ray - FEL Experiments (FLASH)

Dr. Elke Plönjes-Palm, DESY (Secretary)
Dr. Rolf Treusch, DESY (Secretary)

Prof. Majed Chergui, EPFL, Lausanne
Prof. H. Dürr, Uppsala Universitet
Dr. Irene M.N. Groot, Leiden University
Dr. Marion Harmand, Sorbonne Université
Dr. Michael Meyer, EuXFEL
Dr. Christian Schüssler-Langeheine, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
Dr. Marc Simon, Sorbonne Université
Prof. Julia Stähler, HU Berlin

EMBL Project Evaluation Committee