After the evaluation and ranking of all submitted research proposals a beamtime schedule will be proposed by the DESY Photon Science Management under consideration of the following aspects:
- PRP recommendations concerning beamtime distribution
- Requirements of the different user groups
- Optimum use of the available beamtime (i.e. taking into account the running mode of the facility, the availability of the stations, the requirements and any kind of limitation of the users' personal schedule)
- Time needed for modifications of the beamline and experimental setup (i.e. readjustment of monochromators, changes of sample chambers etc. may significantly reduce potentially available beamtime)
- Experimental requirements, safety aspects, and staff schedule
- Balanced consideration of the different experiments
In case of FLASH proposals the additional step of beamtime application via DOOR is required after acceptance of the proposal. |
In case of disagreement on beamtime distribution, users should contact the DESY Photon Science User Commitee for mediation.