Calls & Deadlines

Access via EU projects

NFFA-Europe Research Infrastructure: The widest range of tools for research at the nano- and microscale
See this comprehensive overview of offers and experimental opportunities.

Beamline information
  • FLASH beamlines
    information on available techniques and instrumentation at FLASH beamlines
  • PETRA III beamlines
    information on available techniques and instrumentation at PETRA III beamlines

Outside view of the PETRA III extension hall "Ada Yonath".


FLASH experimental hall "Kai Siegbahn".

Registered DOOR users will be notified about calls and deadlines by email.

Proposals for the INDIA@DESY cooperation cannot be accepted at the moment, the current phase of collaboration is ending in September 2024. We hope to reopen this proposals route in October 2024.

PETRA III beamlines (excluding EMBL P12-P14)

Rolling Proposal Submission for PETRA III beamlines P08 | P11 | P22 | P23 | P24

Proposals for PETRA III beamlines P08 | P11 | P22 | P23 | P24 can exclusively be submitted under the rolling proposal procedure.

Scheduling is ongoing!

Details on Rolling Proposal Submission

Regular Proposals

The call for regular proposals for PETRA III is published twice a year. The deadline is typically on 1 March and 1 September.
At present, regular proposal submission is closed. The next call for regular proposals will be opened by mid of January 2025 with deadline on 3 March 2025. The opening of the call will be communicated by email to all users registered in DOOR.

LTP and BAG proposals

Proposals for PETRA III beamlines P08 | P11 | P22 | P23 | P24 can be submitted at any time via the rolling proposal procedure

The call for Long-Term Projects (LTP) and Block Allocation Group proposals (BAG) at PETRA III beamlines is currently open for

(1) Long-Term Projects (LTP) for PETRA III beamlines:
P02.2 | P03 (max 48 shifts)| P05 | P06 | P07 DESY | P21.1 | P21.2 | P62

(2) Block Allocation Group proposals (BAG) for PETRA III beamlines:
P05 | P06 | P09 HiPhax

The deadline for submission is
16 January 2025 (inclusive until midnight Hamburg time; UTC+1)

Proposals have to be submitted via DOOR

Detailed information on LTP and BAG proposals and latest proposal templates are provided here. Please make sure to use the latest template.


The next call for proposals at FLASH will be related to beamtimes at FLASH2 only (i.e. beamlines FL23, FL24 and the REMI@FL26), which will be scheduled at the end of 2025 and in the first half of 2026. This FLASH2 call will be issued soon with a deadline around end of January 2025.

The FLASH facility is currently in an upgrade shutdown with an expected restart in late autumn 2025. In the present upgrade shutdown, the FLASH1 FEL branch will be equipped with external seeding which then will be commissioned end of 2025 and early 2026. First experiments with the seeded FLASH1 will be community-driven proposals and all users are warmly invited to join the process. Please contact Markus Guehr for more information on the process.

After community proposals, we will continue with proposals running through the regular PRP process also for FLASH1. We expect to publish a call for FLASH1 proposals towards the end of 2025. This FLASH1 call will then be related to beamtimes from late 2026 on.

how to prepare your proposal
PETRA III beamlines P12 - P14 (EMBL)

ReMade@ARI proposals

ReMade@ARI aims to boost urgently needed materials research & development activities by providing access to the vast European landscape of analytical research infrastructures (RIs) represented by the ReMade@ARI consortium. To achieve this goal, ReMade@ARI provides trans-national access to analytical research infrastructures across Europe.

For offers (including travel reimbursement), deadlines, detailed regulations please visit the ReMade@ARI website

Proposal submission via the ARIA Portal

NFFA proposals allows researchers to tackle complex nanoscience challenges that cannot be provided by any single research infrastructure alone. Combined access to resources of internationally competitive academic and research centre laboratories and Analytical Large- Scale Facilities (ALSFs) is available, with new upgrades.

For deadlines, detailed regulations, and for NFFA proposal submission please visit the NFFA website

Please also check funding opportunities for
NFFA User Special Training Visits
NFFA Staff Exchanges for Access Providers