Events at DESY (Photos on this webpage: DESY (above) / J. Modrow (middle) / Summer students 2022 DESY, C. Mrotzek (below)).

DESY is one of the worldwide leading accelerator centres exploring the structure of matter.
The main research areas comprise a broad program of photon science, based on synchrotron light sources and X-ray Free Electron Lasers, as well as research in elementary particle and astroparticle physics.
DESY fosters the interplay between photon science, particle physics and accelerator physics. In addition over 3400 researchers from around the world use the accelerator-based photon sources at DESY in Germany.

The research centre offers specialised training for a large number of professions. DESY cooperates with industry and business to promote new technologies. For examples, the DESY Summer School offers undergraduate students in physics or related disciplines (such as scientific computing and engineering) the opportunity to obtain first-hand research experience.
A list of current job offers (incl. PhD theses etc.) at DESY Hamburg and Zeuthen (near Berlin) is available online.
Please contact Dr. Tim Laarmann (, if you are interested in positions (Bachelor-, Master- or PhD-Thesis) at DESY Photon Science In Hamburg in particular.