Stephenson Distinguished Visitor (Visit in 2024): Prof. Majed Chergui (Lausanne Centre for Ultrafast Science (LACUS), Switzerland) together with the Host Prof. Francesca Calegari (FS-ATTO) (right).
The Stephenson Distinguished Visitor Programme, supported by the James D. Stephenson Fund, provides support to allow renowned scientists to visit DESY, to work and to collaborate with DESY scientists in the field of photon science research.
The objective of the programme is to strengthen this research, especially the work of young academics at the light sources PETRA III and FLASH through innovative, advanced projects. Initiating and expanding new connections with scientists at home and abroad is a long term aim.
The James D. Stephenson Fund provides funds for a stay at DESY. The proposal for a visit of a guest scientist shall be written together with the host scientist(s) at DESY and be submitted to the DESY Photon Science Research Director via the Director's Office.
The max. length of the proposal is 2 pages (pdf file), including the following information: participating scientists, affiliation, short CV incl. 5 important publications, reasons for the collaboration, programme for the stay. Please use this proposal template (docx file | preview: pdf file).
1 October 2025 (for a visit in 2026)
Selection of guest scientists
The selection committee consists of leading and senior scientists from external institutions as well as from DESY. Selection criteria are: scientific expertise, impact of the proposed programme on DESY research and/or developments, future perspectives, etc.
Duration of stay
The stay at DESY in Hamburg (Germany) is expected to last up to 4 weeks. The financing of the stay will be roughly similar to that of the Humboldt Foundation (by prior arrangement) and the visitors will receive the payments directly. (For proposals from 2022 onwards:) The stay at DESY should take place within 2 years after approval. On request, this period can be extended up to max. 5 years for special reasons.
DESY host
The inviting DESY scientists will organise the stay and provide an efficient cooperation with the guest scientist and the involvement of other DESY groups and on-site. DESY can help to find an accommodation in Hamburg.
After the stay at DESY
All research results achieved during the stay at DESY should be published. Appropriate reference should be made to the funding provided by the James D. Stephenson Fund, e.g. in the acknowledgement "One of the authors (N.N.) was supported by the 'Stephenson Distinguished Visitor Programme' at DESY in Hamburg (Germany)."