
  1. DFG SFB 450: Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions Project A2: Ultrafast vibrational excitation and femtochemistry on molecular model systems in the gas phase (2004-2010)
  2. DFG (LA 1431/2-1): Energetic and dynamics of molecules and clusters induced by intense VUV laser pulses depending on the local environment (2005-2007)
  3. DFG (LA 1431/2-3): Energetic and dynamics of molecules and clusters induced by intense VUV laser pulses depending on the local environment (2008-2010)
  4. BMBF priority program 301: FLASH - Matter in the light of ultrashort and extremely intense X-ray pulses, Project: High-harmonic laser seeding at FLASH (2009-2013)
  5. BMBF priority program 302: Free-electron lasers, Project: Amplifiers with improved pulse quality (2013-2016)
  6. State Excellence Cluster LEXI: Frontiers in Quantum Photon Science supported by the Joachim Herz Stiftung (2009-2012)
  7. DFG graduate school 1355: Physics with new advanced coherent radiation sources (2011-2015)
  8. DFG SFB 925: Light induced dynamics and control of correlated quantum systems, Project A2: Coherent control of correlated electron systems with ionizing light fields (2011-2023)
  9. PIER-Ideenfonds: Pulse Shaping of Accelerator-based THz Radiation, PulSAR (2012-2014)
  10. Cluster of Excellence: The Hamburg Center for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI) Integrated Research Project RFA1.3: Local probes for light-driven intra-molecular charge transfer (2012-2018)
  11. BMBF priority program LoKoFEL: Longitudinal coherence of FELs - Control, analysis and applications, Project: Optimized FEL seeding for tailored experiments of phase-sensitive processes (2016-2019)
  12. IFB Hamburg - PROFI Transfer Plus: Industrial research project: Supernova Difference Frequency Generation (since 2017-2020) in collaboration with Class 5 Photonics GmbH supported by EFRE (Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung)
  13. DFG (LA 1431/5-1): Verfolgung der Ladungsträgerdynamik mit Attosekunden Präzision durch Interferometrie in der Zeitdomäne mit weicher Röntgenstrahlung (since 2018-2023)
  14. Cluster of Excellence CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter Integrated Research Project B3.2: Novel electronic states by non-linear X-ray optics (since 2019)
  15. Innovation Pool initiative within the Helmholtz Association’s research field Matter: Enabling Technologies for Compact High Rate Photon Sources, ECRAPS (2019-2021)
  16. Industrial research project with Class 5 Photonics supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) (2021-2024)
  17. DFG (LA 1431/5-2)Soft x-ray time-domain interferometry with attosecond precision: Ultrafast spectroscopy and spectro-microscopy in aqueous solutions (since 2023)
  18. Cooperation project with the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg): Machine-learning supported laser pulse compression in a control loop (since 2023)