Dr. Christoph M. Heyl

Ultrafast Photonics Research and Innovation Group
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestrasse 85 (building 25b, room 103)
22607 Hamburg

Email: christoph.heyl@desy.de
Tel: +49 (0)40 8998 6085


I am leading the Photonics Research and Innovation group at DESY. My career steps prior to DESY & Helmholtz-Institute Jena include appointments at renowned optics and laser physics labs such as JILA, Colorado (Jun Ye) and Lund University, Sweden (Anne L’Huillier - Nobel laureate in physics 2023). My past and current research works cover a wide range of topics within ultrafast optics including high-order harmonic generation and attosecond physics, filamentation, frequency combs, few-cycle laser sources and applications, post-compression and multi-.pass cells, fiber-optics, sono-photonics and machine learning for photonics.

Academic Career

Since Sept. 2023 Group leader Photonics Research and Innovation Group at DESY & Helmholtz-Institute Jena, Germany
2017 - 2023 Junior group leader, Helmholtz-Institute Jena and DESY, Hamburg, Germany. Focus: Ultrafast lasers for secondary photon and particle sources.
2016 - 2017 Postdoc: Jun Ye, JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA. Focus: XUV frequency combs.
2015 - 2016 Postdoc: Anne L’Huillier, Lund University, Sweden. Focus: Nonlinear Optics.
2014 PhD in Physics (Experimental Physics), Summa cum laude - Lund University: Anne L’Huillier, Sweden & University of Marburg: Ulrich Höfer, Germany. Focus: Attosecond physics and high harmonic generation.


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