"Brillantring" PETRA III part of the photon science brochure, available as a separate brochure (12 pages, in German).

The new photon science brochure ("Blitzlicht", 52 pages in German, an English version will soon be available) gives a general overview on research with photons at DESY. This is the first part of a 'trilogy', which will cover the three main research areas at DESY: photon science, accelerator, and particle physics.
The following topics are described in this brochure: the properties of synchrotron radiation produced by storage rings and free-electron lasers, experimental possibilities at HASYLAB, the facilities DORIS III and FLASH as well as the future facilities PETRA III and the European XFEL. In addition several scientific highlights give a deeper insight into latest research activities of users and HASYLAB staff.
The new brochure is available at the HASYLAB library and at the press and information center (DESY PR, Build. 1).
(Copy deadline: August 2007)

New Photon Science Brochure "Blitzlicht" online |