Layout of integrated EMBL facilities at PETRA-III - initial proposal (Source: EMBL).

EMBL Hamburg builds an Integrated Facility for Structural Biology at PETRA-III – EMBL@PETRA-III
The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) has awarded 8.8 Million Euro to the Hamburg Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) for the construction of an Integrated Research Facility for Structural Biology at the new PETRA-III storage ring of the German Synchrotron Research Centre DESY, named EMBL@PETRA-III. The new facility will comprise a complete and automated pipeline for structural investigations of proteins and other biological molecules using the high-energy X-rays of PETRA-III, soon to be one of the world's most powerful radiation sources. The new addition to EMBL Hamburg's existing structural biology facilities will start operations in 2010.
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