P62 Beamline hutches with dimensions.
The beamline has four different parts:
(1) The 2m-long undulator with a period of 31.4 mm and 61 periods
(2) The front-end with beam-transport, flters, white-beam slit system, and shutters
(3) The beamline optics such as monochromator, mirrors, compound refractive lenses, and other components
(4) The end-station with beam-diagnostic components, sample environment, and SAXS/WAXS instrument with large area detectors
The beamline optics has been optimized for an energy range of 3.5 keV up to 35.0 keV and has a fixed-exit of 14mm (independent of the energy).
The optics includes several components:
(1) Diamond UHV-window
(2) liquid N2 cooled double crystal monochromator (Si111 and Si311)
(3) white beam absorber
(4) double mirror system (the second mirror is tangentially bendable)
(5) UHV slit system 1 (with drain current measurement option; beam position monitor)
(6) 2D Be compound refractive lens transfocator
(7) UHV slit system 2 (with drain current measurement option; beam position monitor)
(8) Safety shutter 2
At P62 four different operation modes are foreseen:
(1) unfocused operation
(2) fully flexible focusing using 2D beryllium compound refractive lenses installed in the optics hutch (CRL1)
(3) fixed focusing onto the sample using the mirror system
(4) fully flexible focusing using 2D beryllium compound refractive lenses installed in the experimental hutch (CRL2) <-- installation postponed