Referencing P21.1


The rules of good scientific practice require that you include the following information in the acknowledgement of any publications related to work done at P21.1 in general and the use of specific equipment as follows:

1. Please acknowledge the use of the DESY photon facility. All publications have to contain a corresponding sentence, which is listed here: DESY Photon Science User's Guide for publication and reports.

2. If applicable, please acknowledge the use of equipment funded through BMBF grant 05K22RF1 for either of the following:
     * compound refractive lenses (CRLs) for focusing from
     * N-HeliX Open Flow Helium Gas Flow System from Oxford
     * Leica M205c stereomicroscope from Leica Microsystems
     * Standard Reference Material® 1990, Al2O3 Single Crystal
       Diffractometer Alignment Standard from NIST