Beam parameters in Microprobe
Energy range:
5-23 keV (KB Mirrors) |
Focus size: |
350 x 350 nm2 , some 1010 ph/s (KB mirrors) |
Working distance: |
> 150 mm |
The microprobe as a versatile scanning X-ray microscope stands out from the beginning of operation by the availability of the Maia energy-dispersive detector system. Inherent for the Maia system is the on-the-fly scanning mode which allows the collection of XRF spectra with sub-millisecond dwell times and thereby XRF imaging in real 3D (fluo-tomography, XANES imaging). The incremental encoder signals from the sample stages are fed directly into the Maia control unit to ensure accurate correlation between detector signal and sample position. Online data visualization is enabled using the GeoPIXE software and quantitative analysis can be performed instantly after completion of the measurement. Recently, the availability of fast pixel detectors (Pilatus 300K, Eiger 4M) at the microprobe enabled multimodal imaging schemes. X-ray scattering and diffraction signals can by collected synchronously with the XRF signal for single crystal or powder diffraction imaging and ptychography.

The project was funded by the BMBF 05K19PC2 Micro-HORST Ruhr-Universität Bochum, titled "Interferometerkontrollierte kryogene Fluotomographie an P06/Petra III" (A. Rosenhahn)