NEPHEWS: Users from prioritized EU/widening countries

NEPHEWS TNA Evaluation Form
Each supported traveller has to fill in this form and attach it to the travel reimbursement documents. Reimbursemen will only be finalized if the form has been submitted. [More]

In the frame of the EU NEPHEWS programme, full travel reimbursement (tickets up to € 500, DESY Hostel and daily allowance) for up to two users coming from one of the prioritized countries Estonia, Finland, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia or Ukraine can be covered. This applies to proposals where the leader is affiliated with one of the prioritized countries and with the majority of beamtime participants coming from these countries.
The application for reimbursement has to be submitted by the Principal Investigator of the proposal before the experiment via DOOR.

After application, the PI will receive an approval of the request by email with detailed information about the persons and duration accepted for reimbursement. Additional participants of the experiment who have not been approved by us must cover their expenses themselves.

Users whose affiliation is from other EU widening countries or in countries without RI please contact us via and we will check on a case-by-case basis whether we can offer TNA, depending on available funds.

Please note that each participant has to book a room in the DESY Hostel as soon as possible to ensure that a room is available.

Please have a look at the NEPHEWS webpage for additional information, e.g. on training for Early Stage Researchers and twinning programme for New Users.

Reporting and references required for beamtimes supported by NEPHEWS

As recipient of financial support from the EU project NEPHEWS (via DESY Photon Science) you are obliged to meet the following reporting requirements:

  • submission of a properly filled Evaluation Form for each person along with your DESY travel reimbursement forms. To fill in beamtime specific information please consult with your local contact for your experiment at the facility or the DESY Photon Science User office
  • submission of the DESY Photon Science experimental report for beamtime (not later than 3 months after your access to the beamline) (via DOOR)
  • completion of the DESY Photon Science feedback form (via DOOR)
  • all publications based on the supported experiments have to be registered in the DESY publication database accessible via DOOR under specification of the grant name "NEPHEWS-Europe".
  • acknowledgement of DESY Photon Science and the European Community in all publications (reports, articles, presentations etc.) that are based on activities at DESY Photon Science for which a reimbursement has been granted. Please include the following statements:

"The research leading to these results has been co-funded by the project NEPHEWS under Grant Agreement No 101131414 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the Granting Authorities can be held responsible for them."

as well as the acknowledgement of the DESY facility:

"Parts of this research were carried out at DESY, a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF). We would like to thank N.N. for assistance in using "beamline  XX" at "facility name."

Please also cite the respective beamline paper listed on the beamline website if applicable.