Experiments and Endstations

- HeisenbergRIXS@SCS@EuropeanXFEL: ultrafast soft X-ray resonant inelastic X-ray scattering endstation for the study of chemical reactions and condensed matter (energy resolution: 50 meV, time resolution: 50 fs); DOI: 10.1107/S1600577524010890

- Sample delivery to study complex chemical reactions (like water splitting) at MHz high flux X-ray sources; DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.2c00525

- ChemRIXS: resonant inelastic X-ray scattering multipurpose chamber for the study of complex chemical reactions at high flux MHz X-ray sources (energy resolution: 0.5 eV best); DOI: 10.1063/1.4930968

- Optical laser synchronized to MHz high flux X-ray sources to study complex chemical reactions

- Ultrafast X-ray diffraction experiment to study complex chemical reactions

To study the temporal landscapes of complex chemical reactions, we focus in our research on the development of ultrafast time-resolved high-flux X-ray scattering methods at synchrotrons and free-electron lasers.

This includes elastic (diffraction, scattering), as well as inelastic X-ray scattering (meaning X-ray spectroscopy) methods, and the development of appropiate optical laser excitation as well as sample delivery units.

Prototype chemical and biochemical reactions are developed as model reactions, including the chemical synthesis of organic energy storage and energy conversion materials and small biochemical units. Appropriate chemistry and biochemistry laboratories are available for this purpose.

Experimental schemes of the ultrafast time-resolved elastic X-ray scattering techniques we use at high flux X-ray sources

Our optical experiments and coupling units

Our ultrafast X-ray diffraction experiments (ID09@ESRF, France, and SLS, Switzerland). But we also like very much BioCARS@APS, USA.

Experimental schemes of the ultrafast time-resolved elastic X-ray scattering techniques we use at high flux X-ray sources

Our ultrafast resonant inelastic X-ray scattering endstation ChemRIXS at PETRA III and FLASH

The generation before: FlexRIXS@HZB and Liquid Jet@LCLS, SSRL/ USA, and @FLASH