Dr. Andreas Kickermann
Uexküll & Stolberg Patent Attorneys
Dr. Lasse Schroedter
Prof. Dr. Francesca Curbis
MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University
Dr. Joern Boedewadt
Senior Optical Engineer, MicroVision
Florian Jacobs, M.Sc. Physics
Coherent LaserSystems GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Lena Worbs
Postdoc position at Uppsala University
Dr. Leslie Lamberto Lazzarino
Senior Consultant and Developer at TNG Technology
Dr. Sergey Usenko
Postdoc position at XFEL with Dr. M. Meyer
Dr. Markus Alexander Jakob
Dr. Samuel Hartwell
Postdoc position at DESY MPL with Prof. Dr. A. Maier
Marcel Brockmann, B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
Engineer at DESY ZM1
Dr. David Schwickert
Postdoc position at DESY MSK with Dr. Holger Schlarb
Daniel Junge, B.Sc. Physical Engineering
Manufacturing Engineer, Coherent Corp.
Dr. Slawomir Skruszewicz
Postdoc position at University of Hamburg with Prof. Dr. Tais Gorkhover
Dr. Malte Sumfleth
Postdoc position at University of Hamburg with Prof. Dr. Markus Drescher
Afsaneh Fakhrbakhsh Mobarhan, B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
Engineer at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Marcel Brockmann, B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
Engineer at Waldemar Link GmbH & Co. KG
Simon Schraad, M.Sc. Nanoscience
PhD position at KTH Royal Institute of Technology with Prof. Dr. Stephan V. Roth