Figure 1a
Fig. 1 (a) Truncated pyramid with a square base of 200 nm size. (b) Corresponding three-dimensional distribution of intensity in reciprocal space (from I. Vartanyants et al., Phys. Rev. B 77, 115317 (2008)).
In our group we are interested in the development (computational modeling) and the application of CXDI methods for imaging nano-systems (including nano-islands and quantum dots) and biological samples. As we require sources of coherent radiation, we use 3rd generation synchrotron sources including the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Swiss Light Source (SLS), or the first XUV Free Electron Laser (FLASH) at DESY in Hamburg.
Present members of the group:
Dr. Ivan Vartaniants (Senior Scientist)
Dr. Ruslan Kurta (PostDoc)
Dmitry Dzhigaev (PhD student)
Anatoly Shabalin (PhD student)
Oleg Gorobtsov (PhD student)
Ivan Zaluzhny (PhD student)
Max Rose (PhD student)
Former members of the group:
Roman Dronyak
Ulf Lorenz (now PostDoc, University of Potsdam)
Dr. Adrian Mancuso (now PostDoc, XFEL)
Dr. Olexander Yefanov (now PostDoc, CFEL)
Johannes Gulden (now, FH-Stralsund)
Andrei Singer (now PostDOc, UCSD)
Alexei Zozulya (now PostDoc, EMBL, Hamburg)
Andreas Schropp (now PostDoc, TU Dresden)
Recent publications:
1. G.J. Williams, M.A. Pfeifer, I.A. Vartanyants, and I.K. Robinson
''Effectiveness of iterative algorithms in recovering phase in the presence of noise'' Acta Cryst. A63, 36-42 (2007).
2. I. A. Vartanyants, D. Grigoriev, A. V. Zozulya,
"Coherent x-ray imaging of individual islands in GISAXS geometry", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering, Taipei, Taiwan (2006) Thin Solid Films 515, 5546–5552 (2007).
3. R. Harder, M.A. Pfeifer, G.J. Williams, I.A. Vartanyants, and I.K. Robinson, ''Orientation variation of surface strain'', Phys. Rev. B 76, 115425 (2007).
4. I. A. Vartanyants, I. K. Robinson, I. McNulty, C. David, P.Wochner, and Th. Tschentscher,
''Coherent X-ray scattering and lensless imaging at the European XFEL Facility'', J. Synchrotron Rad. 14, 453–470 (2007).
5. I.A. Vartanyants, A.V. Zozulya, K. Mundboth, O. M. Yefanov, M.-I. Richard, E. Wintersberger, J. Stangl, A. Diaz, C. Mocuta, T.H. Metzger, G. Bauer, T. Boeck, M. Schmidbauer,
''Crystal Truncation Planes Revealed by 3D Reconstruction of Reciprocal Space'', Phys. Rev. B 77, 115317/1-9 (2008).
6. C. Mocuta, J. Stangl, K. Mundboth, T.H. Metzger, G. Bauer, I. Vartanyants, M. Schmidbauer, T. Boeck,
''Beyond the ensemble average: X-ray microdiffraction analysis of single SiGe islands'', Phys. Rev. B 77, 245425 (2008).
7. A.V. Zozulya, O. M. Yefanov, I.A. Vartanyants, K. Mundboth, C. Mocuta, T.H. Metzger, J. Stangl, G. Bauer, T. Boeck, M. Schmidbauer,
''Imaging of nanoislands in coherent grazing-incidence small-angle x-rays scattering experiments'', Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications (2008) (in print).