- Dismantle heater items and magnets.
- Dismantle feedthrough.
- Dismantle pump modules.
- Put old seals on the flanges.
- Mount flange fittings on the open flanges.
- Dismantle pump modules in all invidual parts.
- Glow ceramics approx. 30 minutes at 800°C on air. (Touch the ceramics only with gloves!)
- Glass-bead-blast all other parts and the chassis.
- Dismantle flange fittings and seals.
- Wash and dry the chassis and individual parts. (Except ceramics)
- Reassemble the pump modules.
- Glow the complete pump modules 2 hours at 750°C in a clean vacuum oven.
- Install the pump modules in the chassis.
- Clean the feedthrough with alcohol, maybe take a new one.
- Install the feedthrough and close the pump with a valve.
- Install magnets and heater items.
- The electrician must check the wirering and the heater items, maybe change it.
- Pump the getter pump with a turbo pumping system and make a leak detection.
- Bake the pump for 30 hours and switch on the high voltage on the last 10 hours.
- If the pump is cold, make a leak detection again.
- If the pressure < 5 x 10-10 , the pump is ok.
- Lock the pump under vacuum for storage.