PHOTON SCIENCE Newsletter: First issue released (September 2008)


With this new PHOTON SCIENCE Newsletter (summer 2008) we would like to inform all users and colleagues at least twice a year about the unique perspectives coming up at DESY, one of the leading centers worldwide in the field of research with photons within the Helmholtz Association.

Short reports about new milestones are particularly interesting for scientists already involved in the activities at the lightsources FLASH, PETRA III, DORIS III, the European XFEL, or the new interdisciplinary CFEL Centre. With up-to-date research highlights and stimulating news we hope to inspire scientists who are already involved but also those who may find interesting links to their own activities, and also students.

We would be pleased to welcome you as a regular reader of the DESY PHOTON SCIENCE Newsletter.

Please subscribe for the online or printed version on the PHOTON SCIENCE Newsletter webpage ( All HASYLAB users are on the mailing list for the first issue (unsubscribe via webpage).

(Copy Deadline: August 2008)