The Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for Jochen R. Schneider (Oct. 2008)

Jochen R. Schneider

The German Federal President Horst Köhler awarded long-time DESY research director Jochen R. Schneider with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany ('Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse') on October 6, 2008. He was honoured for his prominent contributions to make DESY one of the world-leading centres for research with photons.

  “Jochen R. Schneider is significantly involved in the construction and operation of the Free Electron Laser FLASH and the commissioning of the brilliant X-ray source PETRA III at DESY next year, not to forget the beginning of the construction of the European X-Ray Laser project XFEL, a light source of the newest generation”, emphasized current DESY Research Director, Professor Dr. Edgar Weckert.

Since 1993, Jochen R. Schneider was head of HASYLAB, and from 2000 to 2007 director of the photon science division at DESY. During this period, the unique free-electron laser FLASH had come into operation and the course has been set for the future projects PETRA III and the European XFEL. The combination and possibilities of these excellent light sources confirm DESY as one of the leading centres for research with photons worldwide and add truly international appeal to the metropolitan region of Hamburg and Germany as a research location.

Currently, Jochen R. Schneider is director of the Experimental Facilities Division at SLAC in Stanford, for the planned first hard X-ray free-electron laser LCLS, which will be commissioned in summer 2010.

(see also: DESY Press release Oct. 6, 2008)