Structure of the Proposal, Templates

In general, proposals for PETRA III have to to be prepared according to the following structure. Depending on the proposal type additional/slightly different information is needed (see templates for more information).

1. Scientific background or Immediate socio-economic impact
2. Motivation for the proposal, expected results and impact
3. Own previous work
4. Experimental plan
     a) Justification of beamline requested
     b) Justification of beamtime requested
     c) Data handling and computing
     d) Samples & safety related issues
     e) Technical information (if applicable)
5. References related to the proposal scientific text

For Long-term Projects additional information on "Milestones and Ressources" have to be included (see template for more information).

Own publications based on previous PETRA III beamtimes have to be registered as part of the DOOR submission procedure using DOI or PubMed IDs.

In general, proposals for FLASH have to to be prepared according to the following structure. Depending on the proposal type additional/slightly different information is needed (see templates for more information).

1. Scientific background or Immediate socio-economic impact
2. Motivation for the proposal
3. Own previous work
4. Experimental plan
     a) Justification of beamline requested
     b) Justification of beamtime requested
     c) samples & safety related issues
     d) technical information (if applicable)
     e) planned collaborations at FLASH
     f) possible start of your experiment at FLASH
5. Results expected and their impact
6. References related to the proposal scientific text

Content of the Proposal

Please consult the templates provided below for each specific proposal type for further information on the required content.

PETRA III & FLASH proposal templates (Word)
PETRA III Rolling Access Proposals (up to 21 shifts) template (WORD)
PETRA III Rolling Access Proposals (22-72 shifts) template (WORD)
PETRA III regular proposal template (Word)
PETRA III long term project (LTP) template
Block Allocation Group proposals (BAG) for PETRA III
PETRA III Targeted challenge-driven proposal template
FLASH proposal template (Word)