Travel costs for NFFA users at DESY will be reimbursed in accordance with the general rules set by NFFA (see document available for download on the right side of this webpage) and as requested in the NFFA proposal.
In general, travel costs for a maximum number of two participants will be reimbursed. Costs for shipment or transportation of equipment cannot be covered. A maximum of 500€ per person can be granted for travel, the reimbursement will never exceed the actual travel cost. A maximum contribution of 100€ per person and per day can be reimbursed for accomodation and daily allowance in total.
Therefore we ask our users to seek for accomodation in the DESY hostel. The DESY hostel has to be booked via DESY Hostel.
Only if the DESY Hostel is fully booked we will partly cover the costs for a hotel (up to 100€ for hotel and daily allowance in total per day)
Please consult the documents provided for download on the right hand side of this page and contact the User Office for any questions on the travel reimbursement procedure related to your NFFA experiment a DESY and to inform us about the participants and the length of your stay.
For reimbursement, download the reimbursement form and fill in one form for each person to be reimbursed (max 2 persons) and send it together with all original receipts, invoices and tickets (or boarding cards in case of e-tickets) to:
DESY Photon Science User Office
Building 94/O1.013
Notkestr. 85
22607 Hamburg
The form "Confirmation of NFFA access at DESY", signed by the Project Leader and all reimbursed participants of the beamtime/experiment has to be enclosed to the travel cost reimbursements. It is available for download on the right hand side on this page.
Reimbursement Form |
![]() Travel Cost Reimbursement Form
Reporting and references required for NFFA projects
As recipient of financial support from the EU project NFFA (via DESY Photon Science) you are obliged to meet the following reporting requirements:
- submission of a ”Confirmation of Beamtime/Access” along with your travel reimbursement forms. The confirmation is available for download on the right hand side of this page, and project leader and all supported travellers confirm the individually obtained beamtime/lab access time
- submission of the DESY Photon Science experimental report for beamtime allocated for your NFFA project (not later than 3 months after your access to the beamline) (via DOOR)
- completion of the DESY Photon Science feedback form (via DOOR)
- completion of the NFFA-Europe Satisfaction Questionnaire and the NFFA-Europe User Report (see "workflow" at:
- all publications based on the supported experiments have to be registered in the DESY publication database accessible via DOOR under specification of the grant name "NFFA-Europe".
- acknowledgement of DESY Photon Science and the European Community in all publications (reports, articles, presentations etc.) that are based on activities at DESY Photon Science for which a reimbursement has been granted. Please include the following statements:
"The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's H2020 framework program for research and innovation under grant agreement number 654360, nanoscience foundries and fine analysis (NFFA)."
"Parts of this research were carried out at DESY, a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF). We would like to thank N.N. for assistance in using beamline/facility."
Please also cite the respective beamline paper listed on the beamline website if applicable.