For further details as well as locations, term dates please look at STINE, the information network of the UHH or in case of scientific questions contact our colleagues directly:
Marcus Creutzburg
Thomas F. Keller
Heshmat Noei
Andreas Stierle
Sommersemester - summer term
Advanced Methods for Surface and Nanostructure characterization - Andreas Stierle
exercise course:
Exercises in modern methods in characterizing surfaces and nanostructures - Marcus Creutzburg
X-ray physics and nanoscience - Andreas Stierle
Wintersemester - winter term
- Physics for nanoscience students A - Andreas Stierle
- Surface Characterization Techniques for Chemical and Physical Analysis of Materials - Heshmat Noei
- Polymerphysics / soft matter physics - Thomas Florian Keller
exercise course
- Physics for nanoscience students A - Andreas Stierle
- X-ray physics and nanoscience seminar - Andreas Stierle