Otto-Haxel Dissertation prize for Kaja Schubert

Dr. Kaja Schubert (middle) received the Otto-Haxel Dissertation prize 2021 for physics (Rank 3) at the KIT Summer Reception on 15 Juliy 2024 in Karlsruhe, here together with (left:) Prof. Martin Heilmaier (KIT, member of the KFG board) and (right:) Prof. Johannes Blümer (KIT, deputy chair of the KFG.board). (Photo: KIT, Laila Tkotz)

For her dissertation the DESY physicist Kaja Schubert was awarded the Otto Haxel Dissertation prize 2021 (Rank 3). Kaja completed her doctoral thesis with the title “The electronic structure and deexcitation pathways of biomolecular ions” in Sadia Bari’s former Helmholtz Young Investigators group (now the DESY Photon Science group for “Biomolecules in the Gas Phase”) and at the University of Göttingen under supervision of Simone Techert.

The prestigious Otto Haxel dissertation prize is awarded annually by the KIT Freundeskreis und Fördergesellschaft e.V. (KFG) together with the German Physical Society (DPG) to the three best dissertations in physics at the Universities of Göttingen and Heidelberg and at the KIT, where the German physicist Otto Haxel (1909 - 1998) worked.

All nominated candidates presented their theses during a symposium in Göttingen in December 2023, after which the price committee selected the best works. Due to the pandemic, the whole procedure including the official handover had to be postponed and could finally take place during the KIT Summer Reception 2024 in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Since summer 2021, Kaja Schubert has continued to work at DESY as scientific project manager for plasma accelerator projects in the Accelerator division.